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Pid Control With Modicon Tsx Micro 3722 - PID Control with Modicon TSX Micro 3722

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Inserito: (modificato)

I have a plc, Modicon TSX Micro 3722 with 2 modules. The first module is TSX 28DR that has digital inputs and outputs. The second module is TSX AEZ 802 that has 8 analog inputs.

I want to manufacture 2 circuits to connect to my plc. With the first one i want to make PID control of temperature with a PT100 thermocouple. With the other one i want to make control of turns of a DC engine with PWM use.

Can anyone advice me how to do this two circuits and the programs?

What other electrical material will i need?

I will use the PL7 Pro v3.4 program in order to make these two programs in LADDER language.

Thanks for your time!

Modificato: da kop

Cristina Fantoni
Inserita: (modificato)

Hi kop (Siemens world???), welcome to PLCforum. ;)

Well... it seems the module TSXAEZ802 is not the right one for a Pt100 sensor, I feel this module can acquire only current signal (0-20mA or 4-20mA).

For a Pt100 sensor I think you must use a TSXAEZ414 that can acquire various signal: current, voltage, RTD (Pt100 and Ni1000) and thermocouple.

Then Pt100 is not a thermocouple, but a RTD (Resistence Temperature Detection) sensor in which the temperature value rise with the rising of temperature in this case the construction material is Platinum (Pt), for the Ni1000 is the Nichel (Ni).

Well, in the module AEY414 with the Pt100 sensor you have a temperature in 1/10°C, so you can work ever whit this value: 20,0 °C = 200.

You can work with the input signal (i.e. %Iw3.0) or with the internal variable (i.e. %Mw150).

For the PID you must open an "operate" box (shift+F3) and then write the PID instruction, for example:



- TAG and Unit I put '' for 'none',

- %Iw3.0 is your input value

- %Mw144 is the output word

- %M10 is for the manual=0 or automatic=1 action of the PID

- %Mw100:43 is the wparameters array that you must define for the PID (in this case from %Mw100 to %Mw142)

The parameters of the array that you can use directly only 8 words, cause the others are in use by the PLC.

For the PWM you must open another operate box and then write the instruction:


You can find more information about this function on the 7th volume of the PL7 library.

I apologize for my english, but I hope it was clear enough...



Modificato: da Cristina Fantoni
Inserita: (modificato)

Thank you very much Mrs. Christina Fantoni for your advice!

Do you know what other electrical material will i need to connect to my plc so i can have the control of turns of the dc motor??Will i need an inverter or a rele or a motor starter?

Finnaly, i would like to know how i can see the temperature on the runtime screens of the PL7 software!

Modificato: da kop
Cristina Fantoni

Dear kop,

it's a pleasure, PLCforum was born to exchange technical information between us ;)

I'm sorry, but I've very little experience with DC motors... :senzasperanza:

For this I leave that someone else helps you.

But concerning the runtime display with PL7 I think I can . you even though I've the italian version and I don't know the right instruction

Open the Runtime Display and create a new one, if you want an animated text you must create a text and, in the property, check the box for animation and insert the variable that you want to see, then, select the kind of animation.

If you want a trend, then draw a rectangle, in the property do the selection like for the text, but in the kind of animation you can choose the chronogram with color of line, sample time, min and max reference value, and so on...

Right? ;)


Inserita: (modificato)

Nobody knows???!Which circuit must I connect to the digital output of the module TSX DMZ 28DR so I can make the control of turns of a 12V DC motor with PWM use???

Plz reply if anybody knows how I can do that! :wacko:

Modificato: da kop
Inserita: (modificato)

1 - This is an italian forum and italian is the only official language. If you wish have answers, you must write in italian!

2 - The abbrviations like "plz", "x", "4", and so are forbidden by forum rules

Modificato: da Livio Orsini
Inserita: (modificato)

I'm sorry but I don't speak Italian! I am from Greece and I only speak Greek and English. I think that everybody can speak English! I don't speak English very well too, but I try to be comprehensible. I would be glad if you translate my question, so as I have a certain answer!

I'm sorry for the abbriviation "plz" too! :blush:

My question according to the translator is this:

"Quale circuito devo connettere alla produzione digitale (3 A(lth)) del modulo TSX DMZ 28DR cos io posso fare il controllo di svolte di una DC del 12V andare in automobile con PWM usi???"

I hope this is right!

Thank you very much for your corrections!

Modificato: da kop
Stefano Sormanni

You wrote "With the other one i want to make control of turns of a DC engine with PWM use".

With the module TSX DMZ 28DR you can't do that, cause the output signal are not 24VDC, but a dry contact rele, , so the delay time of this output can't allow you to manage PWM signals.



Thank you very much Stefano Sormanni for your advice!

Do you know if I can do that with another plc???For example Siemens S7 200 or a Modicon Zelio plc??

Stefano Sormanni

Important is to have a PLC with a PWM output (i remember Twido can do it)


Thank you again Mr. Stefano Sormanni! I will learn more about that plc and i will be back for more questions! :D


hi kop

i don't know a lot, but i'm sure to tell you to don't use zelio for your necessity, it's like logo siemens more or less.

not a true plc it's a controller not so powerfull for your application.

good luck


  • 1 month later...
Inserita: (modificato)

I want to make a circuit (or a transmitter), so as I can connect a PT100 to an 0-10V analogue input. Can anyone advice me how to do this?

Modificato: da kop

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