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cn siemens 802c

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qualcuno sa darmi notizie circa il cn 802c siemens ? si usa sempre s7?

un grazie a tutti.


4.3.5 PLC Programming

The development of the PLC user program is carried out by means of the

PLC 802 Programming Tool, which is based on S7– 200 MicroWin.

The Documentation “S7–200 Programmable Controllers / System Manual” des-cribes

how this tool is operated for S7–200. The PLC 802 Programming Tool is

to be understood as a subset of this Documentation.

Compared with the basic system S7–200 MicroWin, it has the following limitations:

-The user program can only be programmed in the form of a Ladder Dia-gram.

-Only a subset of the S7–200 programming language is supported.

-For reasons of clarity, no memory model of the respective processor is used.

For this reason, the data alignment in the memory model (alignment) for all

data and the data type must be considered.

Un piccolo estratto dal manuale del 802C, se tiserve il manuale .pdf 800k circa te lo posso inviare.


Ivan Castellaro

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