giardina Inserito: 10 aprile 2011 Segnala Inserito: 10 aprile 2011 Un saluto a tutti gli amici del forum, ho il seguente problema su un plipis gr 2554 stereo, ogni tanto va via l'audio comparendomi nello schermo stereo con fruscio, tramite il telecomando l'ho metto in mono e l'audio ricompare e poi va di nuovo via, ed ad intermittenza si ripropone il problema, potete darmi un aiuto grazie
Cristiano Casagrande Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Segnala Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Ciao, riesci ad indicare il telaio che monta, così cerchiamo lo schema e vediamo chi fa la commutazione dell'audio in stereo e vediamo dov'è il problema..
Riccardo Ottaviucci Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Segnala Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 (modificato) telaio G90AE (rognosetto)riporto qualche tip (in inglese) di questo telaio famoso per le saldature difettose, ma non trovo nulla del tuo difetto,magari saranno utili a qualcun altro.Philips G90AE Blank raster & no sound TDA5850 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Blank raster , no sound , no OSD. IC TMP47C434N-3555 IC7720. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Blank raster - text Ok. C2569 ( 33nf ) o/c. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Blank raster - Txt OK pin 7 TDA3561A was -ve instead of 3.4v; C2560 33nF o/c plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Blank raster with no sound. OSD or response to R/C IC7720 reset line pin 33 stuck at 2v - chip had internal leak TMP47C434N-3555 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE BLANK SCREEN NO SOUND RESET AT 2v IC7720 PIN 33 IF DROPS WHEN PIN 33 ISOLATED REPLACE IC TMP47C434N-3555 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Blocks/Wrong OSD-indication Disconnect pins 2 and 3 IC 7800 (TXT-uP), set functions normally. Replace IC 7800 (MAB 8461P/W196; 4822 209 62479). Mount metal shielding 4822 466 82783 on uP (IC 7720) with earth to jumper 9711. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Characters wrong Replace IC 7820 (SAA 5243P/E; 4822 209 30556) and replace IC 7800 (MAB 8461P/W196; 4822 209 62479) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Cogging effect C2630 47µ 160v HT res cap also change C2631 smoother plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dark picture - no remote commands. Replace IC 7720. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead D6617 6v2 zener s/c; R3668 150R sm dry joint plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - BIT11AF chopper s/c fit repair kit Pt no 4822 310 20496 tells you to fit 2 x 1N5061. Connect in series between chopper tr base - emitter (anode to base) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - blows BUT11AF chopper even with kit fitted o/c between pin 18 of chopper tfrmr & D6645 due to o/c sm link 3645 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - Full HT 95v with 120v ac I/p HT reduces as mains I/p is increased - D6653 BAS32 in psu sec s/c plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - mains fuse shattered BUT11AF s/c - fitted repair kit & dry joint R3610 24k; 3 x BZV55/F33 6657/8/9 s/c sm. MAKE SURE SET IS NOT IN ST/BY WHEN CHECKING- IF SW OFF OIN ST/BY WILL COME BACK ON IN ST/BY plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - no 95v HT to LOP stage cr**k in print by runner at edge of pcb in 95v supply line plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - no HT but present on dummy load LOPTx faulty also Line osc IC had dist waveform o/p - chip faulty plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - no o/p from psu Thy 6670 SFOR5D43 s/c plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - PSU o/ps low Tr7654 BC847C leaky plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Dead - s/c on lop stage LOPTx faulty though tested ok on tester plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Display - shows F4 or F7. Replace IC 7720. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Displaying error code F7 extremely intermittently. Error code denotes fault in text circuit. If possible when fault condition present, check +5 volts to text chips. If 5 volts is missing, check/replace SMD link - 3901 in text circuit. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Does not function Voltage +95 V not present Mount SOPS repair kit (SBC 7023; codenumber 4822 310 20496) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Does not function well Wrong characters on screen. Replace IC 7720 by repairkit 4822 310 31848 This repairkit consists of IC7720 (TMP47C434N-3555) and a metal shielding. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Does not tune optimally Re-adjust S5034 and S5035. See service manual CHASSIS G90AE (4822 727 16447) page 4 points 10 and 11. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Error code F7 after loptx replacement F7 code denotes fault in Txt - C2843 220µ 16v & replace C2640 & C2660 680µ plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE F7 displayed, no snd, pic ok. (all OK when warm) C2843 (220uf 25V; 4822 124 41545). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Fault codes F4 or F7 with no sigs & LED orange EEPROM or Txt chip faulty - use of heat & freezer usually determines faulty comp. If reset with EEPROM chip hot does not work then chip is faulty plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Field collapse Wickman fuse in supply to FOP chip o/c but R3503 & 3507 22R overheat when fuse replaced - R3501 390R leaky plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Field reduced height with top foldover R3508 24k hi res plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Flash-overs on the CRT board. Replace C2397 by a new type code 4822 121 41926. REMARKS : The code number published in the report "complaints of the steco segment" dated 1992-02-14 was not correct. Production has been adapted from week 9149 onwards. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Foldover & flyback lines at top of pic OK in widescreen - Voltage at cathode of diode 6570 95V Should be 163V. O/C R3570 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Foldover with fb lines - only present in 4:3 Voltage at cathode of diode 6570 95V Should be 163V. O/C R3570 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE For 5 minutes zigzag edges in the picture C2630 (47uF/160V; 4822 124 41056). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Humming, ticking Replace thyristor 6670. (SFOR5D43, 4822 130 20245). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE If +95V is 1) 30V, 2) 50V, 3) 80V 1) diode 6546 (BYD33M; 4822 130 42489) 2) diode 6653 (BAS32; 4822 130 80446) 3) diode 6613 (BAS32; 4822 130 80446) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Int dead Dry joints R3671 sm res - feeds from Tr7671 to thy 6670 gate plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Int loss of col, sound, random chan change & "F4" int shows Replace micro/EEPROM IC7600 & IC7601 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Int loss of line/field sync Resolder 6k8 sm under C2473 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE INT SOUND D6272 BAS32 INT OC IN 20v FEED TO TDA8191 Philips G90AE Int st/by, loss of sigs, col, contrast Proc chip TMP47C43N-3555 faulty - replacement has metal shield plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Intercarrier-hum Adjust coil S 5115 for minimum hum. See service manual CHASSIS G90AE (4822 727 16447) page 4 point 13 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Keeps interrupting R3672 (4K7; 5322 111 90111). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE LED blinks in stand-by mode Check/replace thyristor 6670 (SFOR5D43; 4822 130 20245). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE LINE PAIRING TOP HALF OF SCREEN C2475 ( 33n ) DECOUPLES PIN 2 OF IC7470 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Lines - fine dark horiz when heated Dry joints tuner plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Lines in picture. Check/replace R 3570 (8,2 Ohm; 4822 052 10828) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Low EHT with LOPTx making fizzing noise Noise stopped when pin 2 LOPTx dis'd - IC7470 TDA2579A timebase chip faulty (internal s/c on supply pin 10) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Nicam -int Check joints on grey sm caps on NICAM pcb - will often req a quick solder round plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No Blue D6416 BAS32 u/s plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No chan store X2402 EEPROM plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No col (s/c pins 1 & 6 dec chip to overide col kill) Ref osc could not be locked by C2352; C2359 leaky plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No colour C2359 leaky. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No line osc Check pin 16 IC7470 TDA2579 for 9v - if low check volts across D6455 5v6 zener - if low replace D6455 BZX55F5V6; if ok replace Tr7455 BC858 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No OSD - no sound , blank raster. IC TMP47V434N-3555 IC7720 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No pic at sw on - just lines across screen - ok when heated C2580 1000µ plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE NO PIC TEXT OK TDA3561A PIN 7 -ve NOT 3.4v C2560 33nF plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No picture, no sound Voltage +95 V present Replace IC 7470 (TDA 2579/N6; 4822 209 72363) and replace TS 7455 (BC 858A; 5322 130 42012) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No picture, sound OK. Vertical signal not present on basis TS 7503 Replace TS 7471 (BC 848C; 5322 130 42136) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No picture, sound OK. Video signal present on pin 19 SCART, video signal not present on pin 3 IC 7350. Replace TS 7881 (BC 848; 4822 130 61207) Philips G90AE No picture, sound OK. Video signal present on pin 3 IC 7350. RGB-Signal not present on pin 12, 14, 16 IC 7350. Replace IC 7350 (TDA 3561A/N8; 4822 209 71518) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No red D6854 BAS32 sm diode s/c plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No sound Check sm diode near audio ic for dry joints plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No sound - blank raster , no OSD. IC TMP47C434N-3555 IC7720 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No sound with "F7" in display C2661 22µ in 5v reg cct plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No sound, picture OK Picture present, audio signal present on pin 17 of IC 7220. Replace BU 5 (4822 267 60188) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No sound, picture OK Picture present, program selection functions. Replace IC 7220 (TDA 8191; 4822 209 60103) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No startup. D6653 leaky. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No synchronization, pin 7-IC7470 low Check C2469 (22uF; 4822 124 20698) for short-circuit. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No text, front controls perform wrong task. i.e. brightness varies when volume buttons are pressed. Check 5 volts to uP. If supply voltage low eg. 3 volts instead of 5 volts, check/replace D6662 in Power Supply Part. D6662 - 5.1 Volt zener diode (4822 130 80905) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE no tuning caused by the SDA3202-2 in the tuner If there is no oscillation at the Xtal , change the IC , the same is true for the CUC3400 Grundig plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No Txt & "F7" in display with sound possibly missing C2843 220µ plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE No vertical deflection No vertical control signal on pin 1 IC 7470 Replace IC 7470 (TDA 2579/N6; 4822 209 72363) Replace D 6465 (BAS 32L; 4822 130 80446) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Oscillation wide in weak field on the right side. It moves to the left and disappears after the set has warmed. Check/replace transistor 7533 (BC636; 4822 130 44283) in east-west circuit. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Over-voltage circuit active Disconnect connector A5 and connect a bulb to +95 Volt. Bulb burns. Check/replace TS7545 (BUT11AF;4822 130 42679) and S5545 (line transformer; 4822 1040 10306) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Pic goes dark aft 2hrs & no chan change Display shows F4 IC7720 faulty plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Picture becomes dark from time to time, cannot be adjusted Transistor 7869 (PMBT2369; 4822 209 73852) base not soldered. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Picture too dark Voltage on pin 7 S 5545 (line transformer) < 3,2V Replace C 2560 (33 nF; 4822 121 51385). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Poor contrast range C2560 33nF leaky in beam current limiter cct plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Popping from spkrs only at sw on C2630/31 smoothing caps 47µ 250v Philips G90AE Power supply failure In the event of a failure in the switch-mode power supply, the switching transistor IC7625 may have failed. In this case it is recommended that the opto-coupler IC7614 should also be replaced. 7625: BUT11AF; 4822 130 42679 7614: CNX83A; 4822 130 82034 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE PSU pulsing with LED flashing in time HT o/p only 80/90v when LOP dis'd (should be 95v) - check soldering of sm comps on psu sec plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Pulsing/rolling/jagged white line at top of screen IC7470 TDA2579 timebase chip plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Ragged pic, dim display C2640 680µ 22v smoother, C2580 470µ 12v smoother plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Ragged verticals on some pictures. C2630 ( 47uF ) HT reservoir con. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Ragged verts C2630 47µ HT res cap leaky plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE REDUCED HEIGHT , TOP FOLDOVER R3508 24k HIGH plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Remote control inoperative - dark picture. Replace IC 7720. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Replacing the EAROM Replacing the EAROM.The memory IC has been replaced by type ST24C02CP (code no.4822 209 62098). On some receivers however, the circuit will have to be modified. a. If the ST24C02CP is being fitted in place of an X2402 no circuit changes will be required plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Servicing the Philips G90AE Chassis See TV Mag Jan 1997 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Set blocks Voltage on I2C-Bus (pin 5 and 6 IC 7720) < 4,9 V No pulses visible on oscilloscope when selecting another program Replace IC 7770 (ST24C02CP; 4822 209 62098). Mount metal shielding 4822 466 82783 on uP (IC 7720) with earth to jumper 9711. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE SET DEAD WORKS IF SUPPLY REDUCED TO 90v D6653 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Set intermittently tripping. Suspect fault around trip circuit comprising T7655/7656. Replace zener diodes 6657, 6658, 6659 and especially 6655 - 15 volt zener. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Shut down aft 10 mins with HT low at 30v Tr7652 BC557C - check it with freezer plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE SHUTS DOWN , TICKING NOISE FROM PSUP T7652 ( BC557C ) LEAKY , THEN RAGGED R3668 ( 150R ) AND FIT NEW HT RESERVIOR CAP 47mfd C2630 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Shuts down on full mains - ok on 90v ac Not a prot fault - D6653 leaky (supplies opto coupler) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Shutting down with a ticking PSU. Tr7652 ( BC557C ) leaky , R3668 ( 150ohm ) scorched , Check C2630 HT res plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Sound int D6272/6278 BAS32 sm in series with 20v supply to sound chip IC7220 TDA8191 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Spare part information Spare part information Codenumber channel selector UV615 including hyperband is 4822 210 10374. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Squeal from psu (sound & pic ok) Renew the three bridge sm resistors 3620 (180K), 3618 (180K) and 3614 (360K) and the Ht decoupler C2630 (47mfd / 160v) Philips G90AE Squeal from psu - sound & pic ok R3614 360k; R3618,R3620 180k; C2630 47µ (HT res cap) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Striations A production change has been introduced adding the following components in the +95 volt feed to the line output stage: Description: Position no. 5558 Code no. 4822 158 10563 Choke 82uH Capacitor 10n 100V Position plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Stuck on chan 8, front controls & R/C inop - st/by led flashing Replace C2843 [220uf] in 5 volt regulator plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Switches off and on shortly Selects always program 1 and adjusts PP-value.Check C2397 (33nF; 5322 121 41763) on the CRT panel for leakage. Bend C2397 on picture-tube PCB from picture-tube socket. plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE The upper part of picture consists of few lines Check C2475 (33nF/63V; 5322 122 31848). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE The voltage of +95V line alters Check transistor 7653 (BC858A; 5322 130 42012). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Tripping If HT set at 95v tripping stops but blank raster. Xtal filter 1030 s/c with solder plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Tripping aft 10 mins operation Can be instigated by heating/cooling around psu - replaced 150R sm (R3668?) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Tripping with clcking thro spkr Same on dummy load - Replace C2630/1 47µ 160v. R3668 sm 150R had dropped off. Replaced also 7652 BC557C & opto coupler as precaution plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Trips on & off violently aft several mins Ozone smell - focus pin arcing - replace crt base plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Trips rapidly Tr7652 BC557C in pulse width mod in psu plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Tuning unstable Voltage on diode D 6770 not stable Replace D 6770 (ZTK 33B; 4822 130 30959) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Tuning, display and remote control not functioning Voltage of pin 42-IC7720 low, TR7661 defective (BD135; 4822 130 40823). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE TXT horizontal synchronization missing Check horizontal phase discriminator detection filter capacitor C2827 (47nF; 4822 122 32542). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Txt poor - looks like purity errors Dry joints wire links on main pcb near Txt panel plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Weak video & no sync TDA5850 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE When fitting psu mod kit Diodes 6608 & 6609 should be wired in series and then connected between base/emitter of 7625 (BUT11AF) with the anode end of the pair to base. (if not already fitted) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE When the set is switched on, the SOPS starts tripping. If the mains voltage is turned up using a variac, the +95 line supply gets to 80 volts then starts pulsing. Check/replace R3668 - 150 Ohms SMD (5322 111 90098) plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE White screen, not adjustable Check POR-transistor 7663 (BC858; 5322 130 42012). plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE Will not stay in Standby mode The reason of this fault is R3669 220 Ohm in the Power supply. Service code 4822 051 10221. Philips G90AE Wont go into st/by - LED goes orange not red D6669 BAS32 s/c plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21 GR2350 No sound IC7220 I/C sound chip TDA8191 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21GR2350 Shuts down with motorboating noise aft 10 mins Dry joints Q7502 in FOP plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21GR2550 Tripping PSU Check/replace 3 x 33v sm zeners in series plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21GR2552 PSU shutting down with popping sound. LEDs flashing HT going down to 20-30V and tripping due to DJ on SMD R3663 plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21GR2554 "F7" displayed with snow & no control - LED flashes orange C2843 220µ near LOPTx low cap plamensl 14-09-2004 Philips G90AE 21GR2554 F7 on screen, no sound, stuck on channel, may be intermittent C2843 near LOPTx plamensl 14-09-2004 Pye G90AE N/K C2843 22µ fallen in value Modificato: 11 aprile 2011 da Riccardo Ottaviucci
giardina Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Autore Segnala Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Buon pomeriggio la tv in questione non è il Philips 2554 come erroneamente messo ma è il 21GR 2750/28/b ed il telaio è il g90 IT.Ricapitolando ho un problema all'audio che ad intermittenza si sente un sibilo e compare nello schermo Stereo e poi va via la voce, con telecomando lo metto in mono e ricompare la voce per pochi attimi e dopo va via la voce. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente per risolvere il problema.
carlovittorio Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Segnala Inserita: 11 aprile 2011 Per i telai G90/G110 c'è una modifica per eliminare l'inconveniente che saltuariamente compare la scritta MONO/STEREO senza motivo. Non so se è il tuo caso comunque la modifica è:dal pin 3 del TDA8405 collegare un diodo 1N4148, con l'anodo sul pin3, sul catodo colleghi una resistenza da 1,5MOhm verso massa con in parallelo un condensatore da 1,uF.
giardina Inserita: 12 aprile 2011 Autore Segnala Inserita: 12 aprile 2011 carlovittorio ti ringrazio della Tua celere risposta, ma ti volevo dire oltre che compare mono stereo sul video vi è un sibilo audio e scompare la voce, agendo sul telecomando sul pulsante mono stereo ricompare la voce per poi di nuovo scomparire, ti risulta a te grazie
giardina Inserita: 14 aprile 2011 Autore Segnala Inserita: 14 aprile 2011 Un saluto a tutti gli amici del forum, rotorno al problema audio con la comparsa di Stereo-Mono sul video, quando si manifesta il problema ho l'impressione che l'interferenza che si contrappone nell'audio sia dovuta a un rumore di alternata, che fa scomparire l'audio in alternaza della comparsa stereo mono nel video, Vi prego se qualcuno ha avuto questo problema di aiutarmi perchè a tutt'oggi non riesco a risolverlo grazie
giardina Inserita: 16 aprile 2011 Autore Segnala Inserita: 16 aprile 2011 Un saluto a tutti gli amici del forum, CarloVittorio volevo domandarti che la modifica relativa al diodo 1N4148, la resistenza da 1,5mhom ed il condensatore posto in parallelo alla resistenza da 1,u deve essere ceramico? se non sbaglio 1,u corrisponde a 1.000nf correggimi se sbaglio. La settimana prossima mi dedicherò di nuovo a questo televisore sperando di risolvere il problema.
giardina Inserita: 21 aprile 2011 Autore Segnala Inserita: 21 aprile 2011 un saluto a tutti, purtroppo ad oggi non riesco a risolvere il problema audio al telaio g90AE la comparsa di Stereo Mono sul video con fruscio andando via l'audio permane per poi ricomparire alternandosi Mono Stereo, possibile che nessuno abbia avuto questo difetto grazie
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