GHIGO81 Inserito: 2 maggio 2009 Segnala Inserito: 2 maggio 2009 salve io ho alice tutto incluso ed ho sostituito il modem-router con un'atlantis webshare 141w wireless adsl2+ router, ho collegato il tutto, acceso ma non mi da nessuna connessione e non so come configurarlo, i parametri da configurare sono moltissimi e facendo qualche giro in internet ho solo due o tre parametri,una goccia nell'oceano,ho provato con quei pochi ma senza alcun risultato, POTRESTE AIUTARMI, vi ringrazio anticipatamente
GHIGO81 Inserita: 2 maggio 2009 Autore Segnala Inserita: 2 maggio 2009 schermata internetATM VC Virtual Circuit : PVC0PVC1PVC2PVC3PVC4PVC5PVC6PVC7 Status : Activated Deactivated VPI : (range: 0~255) VCI : (range: 1~65535) QoS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATM QoS : CBRUBRrtVBRnrtVBR PCR : cells/second SCR : cells/second MBS : cells Encapsulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISP : Dynamic IP Address Static IP Address PPPoE/PPPoA Bridge Mode PPPoE/PPPoA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username : Password : Encapsulation : PPPoE LLCPPPoE VC-MuxPPPoA LLCPPPoA VC-Mux Half Bridge : Activated Deactivated Connection Setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connection : Always On (Recommended) Connect On-Demand (Close if idle for minutes) Connect Manually TCP MSS Option : TCP MSS(0 means use default) bytes IP Address -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get IP Address : Static Dynamic Static IP Address : IP Subnet Mask : Gateway : NAT : DisabledEnable Default Route : Yes No TCP MTU Option : TCP MTU(0 means use default) bytes Dynamic Route : RIP1RIP2-BRIP2-M Direction NoneBothIN OnlyOUT Only Multicast : DisabledIGMP v1IGMP v2 shermata lan Router Local IP IP Address : IP Subnet Mask : Dynamic Route : RIP1RIP2-BRIP2-M Direction NoneBothIN OnlyOUT Only Multicast : DisabledIGMP v1IGMP v2 IGMP Snoop : Disabled Enabled DHCP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DHCP : Disabled Enabled Relay DHCP Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting IP Address : IP Pool Count : Lease Time : seconds (0 sets to default value of 259200) DNS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DNS Relay : Use Auto Discovered DNS Server OnlyUse User Discovered DNS Server Only Primary DNS Server : Secondary DNS Server : schermata wireless Access Point Settings Access Point : Activated Deactivated Channel ID : ITALY AutoChannel062437MHz Current Channel: 6 Beacon Interval : (default 100 msec, range: 20~1000) RTS/CTS Threshold : (default 2347, range: 1500~2347) Fragmentation Threshold : (default 2346, range: 256~2346, even numbers only) DTIM : (default: 1, range: 1~255) 802.11 b/g : 802.11b802.11g802.11b+g SSID Setting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSID Index : 1 SSID : Broadcast SSID : Yes No Authentication Type : DisabledWEP-64BitsWEP-128BitsWPA-PSKWPA2-PSK Wireless MAC Address Filter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Active : Activated Deactivated Action : Allow AssociationDeny Association the follow Wireless LAN station(s) association. Mac Address #1 : Mac Address #2 : Mac Address #3 : Mac Address #4 : Mac Address #5 : Mac Address #6 : Mac Address #7 : Mac Address #8 :
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