duda76 Inserito: 21 novembre 2012 Segnala Inserito: 21 novembre 2012 salve a tutti , vi sottopongo il mio problema ho installato rslinx v2.54 su xp pro sp3 macchina appena installata quando avvio rslinx mi va in errore l'errore e' il seguente Rswd32.dll error ho provato a ripetere installazione ma senza successo qualcuno sa darmi informazioni per risolvere il problema grazie per l'aiuto
unicleid Inserita: 22 novembre 2012 Segnala Inserita: 22 novembre 2012 Ti incollo risposta da Knowledgebase Rockwell: 26874 - The RSLinx Communications Server has encountered a problem Access Level: TechConnect Date Created: 11/10/2003 12:00 AM Last Updated: 10/19/2012 05:35 PM The RSLinx Communications Server has encountered a problem... after a successful install of RSLinx Classic but it does not run. (Communication Error) Problem: After a successful install of RSLinx Classic, it does not run. The splash screen comes up with "Checking Activations", goes to "Starting Communications Server", then displays the error "The RSLinx Communications Server has encountered a problem and needs to close". Cause: The Activation check of the RSWD32.DLL is looking for the FactoryTalk Activation dll files that have not been installed on the machine. Causing the Communication error to the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Event Logs reporting system. There was an old activation file called, EVICOM.SYS, located on the C:\ root directoryFactoryTalk Activation Tool is not installed on the PC (seen in RSLinx v2.54 or above). Verify:An error was shown in the Event Viewer -- Application log. The description of the error identified file RSWD32.DLL as a faulting module. Referring to technote E7591, an invalid page fault was caused by the RSWD32.DLL file due to the presence of EVICOM.SYS.FactoryTalk Activation is not list under START->Programs->Rockwell Software->Factory Talk Activation Solution:Rename the EVICOM.SYS file to EVICOM.old Opening a Command Prompt Window (Start->Run "CMD" press OK) Go to the Root of the C:\ by Typing CD\ enter Type Attrib *.sys Locate the EVICOM.SYS file verify the File attributes If the Following Attributes are located to the Left of the File (SHR) Remove the Attributes by "ATTRIB -S -H -R EVICOM.SYS Rename the file "REN EVICOM.SYS EVICOM.OLD" or Delete the EVICOM.SYS "DEL EVICOM.SYS"Install the FactoryTalk Activation Tool Right Click EXPLORE on the RSLinx Installation CD or Downloaded Folder Navigate to Folder Redist\FactoryTalk Activation\Server\Setup.exe Run the Setup.exe to install the FactoryTalk Activation Server Utility. Reboot the Machine Start Rslinx Ciao
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