marsi123 Inserito: 2 settembre 2014 Segnala Inserito: 2 settembre 2014 Ciao a tutti, sono nuovo del forum e complimenti. Ho il tv in questione che ha qualche lampada esaurita, dopo pochi secondi va via la retroilluminazione. Vorrei baipassare la protezione delle lampade per vedere quale lampada da meno luce per poi sostituirla, sapreste dirmi come fare. Grazie a tutti in anticipo.
Luigi Di Donato Inserita: 2 settembre 2014 Segnala Inserita: 2 settembre 2014 Ciao e benvenuto. Dacci la sigla del pilota sulla scheda inverter, cioe' l'integrato che pilota i mosfet.
marsi123 Inserita: 2 settembre 2014 Autore Segnala Inserita: 2 settembre 2014 ok appena rientro lo faccio, grazie
marsi123 Inserita: 3 settembre 2014 Autore Segnala Inserita: 3 settembre 2014 (modificato) Salve la scheda di alimentazione con inverter incorporato è : pwtv9gc1lpr2 La sigla del pilota è - UBA 2071AT grazie Modificato: 3 settembre 2014 da marsi123
marsi123 Inserita: 8 settembre 2014 Autore Segnala Inserita: 8 settembre 2014 Allego questa immagine con la sigla per ogni piedino dell'integrato. Immagino da come ho letto in giro che bisogna metere a massa uno di questi piedini.
marsi123 Inserita: 8 settembre 2014 Autore Segnala Inserita: 8 settembre 2014 (modificato) Aggiungo una descrizione di ogni piedino dell' integrato. ----------------------------------- Symbol Pin Description Function IFB 1 current feedback input. Input signal for the lamp current control loop. Should be connected to a voltage proportional to the lamp current. CIFB 2 current regulation capacitor. A capacitor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. It sets the time constant of the lamp current control loop. VFB 3 voltage feedback input Input signal for the voltage control loop. Should be connected to a voltage proportional to the transformer output voltage. CVFB 4 voltage regulation capacitor A capacitor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. It sets the time constant of the voltage control loop. CSWP 5 frequency sweep capacitor A capacitor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. It sets the time in which the HF frequency is swept up from regulation level to the maximum frequency and back during PWM dimming. CT 6 fault timing capacitor A capacitor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. It sets the time that a fault condition is allowed before the IC shuts down itself. CF 7 HF-oscillator timing capacitor A capacitor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. It sets the minimum switching frequency of the half bridge. IREF 8 reference current output A 33 kW resistor must be connected between this pin and the signal ground. The IC uses it to make accurate internal currents. CPWM 9 PWM timing capacitor If a capacitor is connected between this pin and the signal ground, it sets the frequency of the PWM oscillator. If this pin is connected to signal ground the internal PWM oscillator is disabled. SGND 10 signal ground COMM 11 master / slave communication Via this pin the IC can communicate with a dedicated slave device. NONFAULT 12 status signal input/output The IC signals a fault condition to external circuits by pulling this pin low. Also external circuits can signal a fault condition to the IC by pulling this pin low. PWMD 13 digital PWM dimming input/output Digital output of internally generated PWM signal if a capacitor is connected to the CPWM pin. Digital input of PWM signal if the CPWM pin is connected to signal ground. Remark: The signal on the PWMD pin is active low, so low voltage on the PWMD pin means lamps are on. PWMA 14 analog PWM dimming input The duty cycle of the internally generated PWM signal is proportional to the voltage on this pin. EN 15 chip enable input A low voltage on this pin will reset and shut down the IC. This pin is also used to select between DC blocking capacitor charging mode and normal operation. VDD 16 supply input A buffer capacitor must be connected between this pin and power ground. PGND 17 power ground return for the low-side driver. GL 18 low-side driver output Gate connection of the low-side power switch. n.c. 19 not connected HV spacer pin. n.c. 20 not connected HV spacer pin. n.c. 21 not connected HV spacer pin. SH 22 high-side source connection Return for high side gate driver. Must be connected to the source of the high-side half bridge power switch. FS 23 floating supply A buffer capacitor must be connected between this pin and the SH pin. This capacitor is charged when the low-side power switch is on and supplies the high-side driver when the high-side power switch is on. GH 24 high-side driver output Gate connection of the high-side half bridge power switch. Modificato: 8 settembre 2014 da marsi123
marsi123 Inserita: 2 ottobre 2014 Autore Segnala Inserita: 2 ottobre 2014 (modificato) Salve, visto che mia figlia reclama il tv volevo fare un ultimo tentativo prima di buttarlo, secondo voi se sostituisco l'integrato UBA 2071AT potrei risolvere? Grazie Modificato: 2 ottobre 2014 da marsi123
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