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Siei Tpd32 - Rete Profibus - Simatic S7-300

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Ciao, collegi!

Sorry, my italian is VERY poor, I don't want you to die by laugh. :rolleyes:

I need to connect some amount of italian DC inverters TYPACT TPD32 from SIEI to siemens PLC Simatic S7-315DP2.

There is some description to the profibus option for this drive, but there is no gsd file. So, I can't nderstand how to do

this connection.

Have some of you any experience in such stuff?

Or may be somebody know the SIEI support e-mail? There is phone only in the web ( and in USA only ).



Write your e-mail addresse. I working in Siei for 5 years and i have all you need.

or you can use standard DP node with 4 word for input and 4 word for output...

for to configuration the inside in the converter do you have the configuration?????

Inserita: (modificato)


My address is ********



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Modificato: da Livio Orsini

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