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Logo 8 First Start

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Hi i bought a brand new 6ed1052-1md00-0ba8 (Logo 8) PLC and want to get a safe first start

I am a complete newbe to PLCs so i have some confusion about connections and wiring.

by reading the manual i made the following schematic,


but i want to ask that,

i have marked the points below with the same number encircled red in the above image

1. i found i have to connect "Ground" near the RJ45 ethernet port, now my confusion is that I am using a DC power supply with only two pins + and - so should i connect this "Ground" to the - (negative) wire of my supply, clearly i mean that i short this "Ground" and "M' of the logo 8 ------- is it OK

2. the second confusion is that I could not find the current limit of inputs of logo whether i connect fuse (750mA,250 V or what value) to each input I1, I2 ... I8 that i use along with on main supply L+ 

3. should i use a fuse for o/p relay contacts for their protection

pls reply soon I am curious to use my PLC

thanks in advance


The pattern that you have made is fine, unless you are using as a load led the R 10k otherwise not needed, while for protection inputs are already protect evironmentals not need anything, bye


lots of thanks for reply

that means i don't need anything (fuse or resister) for switches attached to inputs I1, I2,.... only fuse at L+ is needed ---------- am i right?

and also i can connect the "Ground" near the RJ45 ethernet port ( numbered encircled 1 ) to the negative terminal of my 12V 1A dc adaptor ------ am i right?

pls answer above two questions clearly, that will clear my confusions completely and then i will give my plc a safe first start

thanks in advance


Go quiet for the first two answers to the problem rj 45 must connect only ground, so no to negative, bye


Means rj45's ground terminal i should not connect to negative of 12 v adaptor?, then to where i should connect it or leave floating, pls tell clearly, i m a newbe

Tha nks


Hi pls dont mind asking again and again, but with dc adaptor i have no option of ground, only positive and negative terminals are there, so how i connect the ground of my plc, or leaving unconnected is no problem?

Pls reply soon



If you have no possibility to connect to the chassis ground do not connect anything, bye

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