baraz Inserito: 19 gennaio 2016 Segnala Inserito: 19 gennaio 2016 Buongiorno,sono a richiedere aiuto ai guru del forum ... mi spiego:s7-1214 ac/dc/rly fw4.0arduino eth scrivendo un programma per arduino utilizzando la libreria di settimino , programma compilato e caricato su arduino dice di trasferire al plc una variabile da 64byte in DB1.array 6.0 , il programma di arduoino non da errori ma nel db del plc non riesco a far visualizzare la variabile.Penso di sbagliare le dichiarazioni su DB1 ,qualcuno sa come posso risolvere il problema?non deve essere una array ? devono essere byte?grazie in anticipo per il tempo speso .
dan64100 Inserita: 19 gennaio 2016 Segnala Inserita: 19 gennaio 2016 Il tipo di variabile non ha importanza, per Arduino (Settimino o Snap7) è sempre vista come area contigua di byte, ad esempio una doppia word o un array di 4 byte sono la stessa cosa.Quello che è importante (nel caso di S71200/1500) è che la DB non sia ottimizzata e che sia permesso l'accesso GET/PUT. mostrare il pezzo di codice che utilizzi per scrivere ?
baraz Inserita: 21 gennaio 2016 Autore Segnala Inserita: 21 gennaio 2016 (modificato) Risolto ora devo aggiungere altri dati il codice è questo......#include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include "Settimino.h" #include <Wire.h> #include "Wire.h" #include "SRF02.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <TinyGPS++.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> /* This sample code demonstrates the normal use of a TinyGPS++ (TinyGPSPlus) object. It requires the use of SoftwareSerial, and assumes that you have a 4800-baud serial GPS device hooked up on pins 4(rx) and 3(tx). */ static const int RXPin = 3, TXPin = 4; static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 115200; // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; // The serial connection to the GPS device SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ADDRESS 0x60 //defines address of compass SRF02 sensori[2]={ SRF02(0x70, SRF02_CENTIMETERS), SRF02(0x72, SRF02_CENTIMETERS), }; unsigned long nextPrint = 0; // Uncomment next line to perform small and fast data access #define DO_IT_SMALL // Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below. // The IP address will be dependent on your local network: byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0F, 0x08, 0xE11 }; IPAddress Local(192,168,1,70); // Local Address IPAddress PLC(192,168,1,36); // PLC Address byte Buffer[2]; S7Client Client; unsigned long Elapsed; // To calc the execution time //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup : Init Ethernet and Serial port //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: // Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only } // Start the Ethernet Library Ethernet.begin(mac, Local); // Setup Time, someone said me to leave 2000 because some // rubbish compatible boards are a bit deaf. delay(2000); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); Wire.begin(); SRF02::setInterval(200); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Serial.begin(115200); ss.begin(GPSBaud); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connects to the PLC //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Connect() { int Result=Client.ConnectTo(PLC, 0, // Rack (see the doc.) 0); // Slot (see the doc.) Serial.print("Connecting to ");Serial.println(PLC); if (Result==0) { Serial.print("Connected ! PDU Length = ");Serial.println(Client.GetPDULength()); } else Serial.println("Connection error"); return Result==0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dumps a buffer (a very rough routine) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Dump(void *Buffer, int Length) { int i, cnt=0; pbyte buf; if (Buffer!=NULL) buf = pbyte(Buffer); else buf = pbyte(&PDU.DATA[0]); Serial.print("[ Dumping ");Serial.print(Length); Serial.println(" bytes ]=========================="); for (i=0; i<Length; i++) { cnt++; if (buf[i]<0x10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(buf[i], HEX); Serial.print(" "); if (cnt==16) { cnt=0; Serial.println(); } } Serial.println("==============================================="); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints the Error number //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckError(int ErrNo) { Serial.print("Error No. 0x"); Serial.println(ErrNo, HEX); // Checks if it's a Severe Error => we need to disconnect if (ErrNo & 0x00FF) { Serial.println("SEVERE ERROR, disconnecting."); Client.Disconnect(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Profiling routines //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void MarkTime() { Elapsed=millis(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void ShowTime() { // Calcs the time Elapsed=millis()-Elapsed; Serial.print("Job time (ms) : "); Serial.println(Elapsed); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main Loop //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { byte highByte; byte lowByte; Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); //starts communication with cmps03 Wire.write(2); //Sends the register we wish to read Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS, 2); //requests high byte while(Wire.available() < 2); //while there is a byte to receive highByte =; //reads the byte as an integer lowByte =; int bearing = ((highByte<<8)+lowByte)/10; Serial.println(bearing); delay(100); SRF02::update(); if (millis() > nextPrint) { Serial.print("sensore 1 "); Serial.print(sensori[0].read()); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("sensore 2 "); Serial.print(sensori[1].read()); Serial.print("\n"); nextPrint = millis () + 1000; } int myval=sensori[0].read(); int Size, Result; void *Target; int myval1=sensori[1].read(); int Size1, Result1; void *Target1; int myval2=bearing; int Size2, Result2; void *Target2; int; int Size3, Result3; void *Target3; void* ptr = (void*)myval; printf("%d",(int)ptr); void* ptr1 = (void*)myval1; printf("%d",(int)ptr1); void* ptr2 = (void*)myval2; printf("%d",(int)ptr2); void* ptr3 = (void*)myval3; printf("%d",(int)ptr3); /*int Size, Result, Result1; void *Target; */ #ifdef DO_IT_SMALL Size=2; Target = ptr; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[]) #else Size=1024; Target = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer #endif #ifdef DO_IT_SMALL Size1=2; Target1 = ptr1; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[]) #else Size=1024; Target1 = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer #endif #ifdef DO_IT_SMALL Size2=2; Target2 = ptr2; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[]) #else Size=1024; Target2 = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer #endif #ifdef DO_IT_SMALL Size3=64; Target3 = ptr3; // Uses the internal Buffer (PDU.DATA[]) #else Size=1024; Target3 = &Buffer; // Uses a larger buffer #endif // Connection while (!Client.Connected) { if (!Connect()) delay(200) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // modifica void... //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int VAR1 = sensori[0].read(); byte* bytes = (byte*)&VAR1; int VAR2 = sensori[1].read(); byte* bytes1 = (byte*)&VAR2; int VAR3 = bearing; byte* bytes2 = (byte*)&VAR3; int VAR4 =; byte* bytes3 = (byte*)&VAR4; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reverse word/int //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Reverse2(void *bytes); { byte *pb; byte tmp; pb=(byte*)(bytes); // Swap byte 2 with byte 1 tmp=*(pb+1); *(pb+1)=*pb; *pb=tmp; } void Reverse21(void *bytes1); { byte *pb1; byte tmp1; pb1=(byte*)(bytes1); // Swap byte 2 with byte 1 tmp1=*(pb1+1); *(pb1+1)=*pb1; *pb1=tmp1; } void Reverse22(void *bytes2); { byte *pb2; byte tmp2; pb2=(byte*)(bytes2); // Swap byte 2 with byte 1 tmp2=*(pb2+1); *(pb2+1)=*pb2; *pb2=tmp2; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Serial check //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Serial.print("Write ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.println(" bytes from DB1.DBW0"); // Put the current tick MarkTime(); Result=Client.WriteArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access 1, // DB Number = 1 0, // Start from byte N.0 Size, // We need "Size" bytes bytes); // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU) if (Result==0) { ShowTime(); Dump(Target, Size); } else CheckError(Result); delay(100); Serial.print("Write ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.println(" bytes from DB1.DBW2"); // Put the current tick MarkTime(); Result=Client.WriteArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access 1, // DB Number = 1 2, // Start from byte N.0 Size1, // We need "Size" bytes bytes1); // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU) if (Result1==0) { ShowTime(); Dump(Target1, Size1); } else CheckError(Result1); delay(100); Serial.print("Write ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.println(" bytes from DB1.DBW4"); // Put the current tick MarkTime(); Result=Client.WriteArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access 1, // DB Number = 1 4, // Start from byte N.0 Size2, // We need "Size" bytes bytes2); // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU) if (Result2==0) { ShowTime(); Dump(Target2, Size2); } else CheckError(Result2); delay(100); Serial.print("Write ");Serial.print(Size);Serial.println(" bytes from DB1.array 6.0"); // Put the current tick MarkTime(); Result=Client.WriteArea(S7AreaDB, // We are requesting DB access 1, // DB Number = 1 6, // Start from byte N.0 Size3, // We need "Size" bytes bytes3); // Put them into our target (Buffer or PDU) if (Result3==0) { ShowTime(); Dump(Target3, Size3); } else CheckError(Result3); delay(100); } ora devo spostare altri dati a 64 bit... compreso data e ora vi terrò aggiornati. Modificato: 21 gennaio 2016 da baraz
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