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Realization of new PLC with its software : Réalisation d'un nouveau automate avec son logiciel

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Abdelhafid Souissi

Good evening everyone !!!
I am a student engineer, i am establishing  a final project of years internship entitled "Realization of a new PLC with its software," can you . me please with anything useful !! what i should see at the beginning ??if there are interesting documents, web sites , videos,,  gents please share it !!!
Thank you!!!



Bonsoir à tous !!!

Je suis un etudiant ingenieur, en cours d'etablir un stage pfe intitulé "  Réalisation d'un nouveau automate avec son logiciel " , pouvez vous m'aider s'ils vous plait !! que je dois vois au début ?? s'il y a des documents, sites d'internet des videos...interéssantes veuillez monsieurs les partager !!!




Mais, obligatoire avec S7-400? Ou peut-toi choisir un autre PLC?

Abdelhafid Souissi

non, c'est pas obligatoirement  S7-400 


Tu peut commencer en donnant un coup d'oeil dans la section download de notre forum, il-y a beaucoup des choses intéressantes.

Quel est ton niveau de préparation? Tu as déjà une idée sur quoi faire?

Abdelhafid Souissi

j'ai juste commencé hier pour svoir les  types des processeurs existants, je cherche mnt les processeurs les plus performants, l'architecture des APIs ...



Senza polemica: visto che è un sito italiano e visto che con google traduttore fare delle traduzioni anche grossolane è una sciocchezza, scrivere i post nella lingua nativa del forum?


Ho risposto in Francese per cortesia verso il nostro amico ma, visto che parla anche Inglese, forse qualche amministratore potrebbe spostare la discussione nel forum inglese.

Google traduttore? Lasciamo perdere...


j'ai juste commencé hier pour svoir les  types des processeurs existants, je cherche mnt les processeurs les plus performants, l'architecture des APIs ..

I haven't well understood what you want to do.

You spoke about API but ok, in general terms, it means on Application Programming Interface, is a term not frequently used on PLC and CNC word.

In your english translation you said:


"Realization of a new PLC with its software,"

Do you have to design a new PLC or apply a commercial PLC?

Abdelhafid Souissi

Hello Lucios !! 

I want to design a new PLC, i searched which processor i should use , i found ARM cortex-R7 , is it my choose good ?? if you have anything useful for me , please share it with me.

thanks cordially 


Uh, I'm sorry but I don't have skills enough to support you. I'm not a a specialist of microprocessor and hardware in general.

But it appears like an hard work!

Later, when you will decided the hardware, probably we could share some software aspects .



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