riporeno Inserito: 2 luglio 2009 Segnala Inserito: 2 luglio 2009 ciao a tutti ho acquistato un inverter da 2.2 kw in cina .Vorrei montarlo sulla macchinetta che sto costruendo ma essendo alle prime armi con questo strumentoed inoltre col manuale in inglese non riesco a venirne a capo Voglio gestirlo con un potenziometro esterno..fin qui sono riuscito a farlo ed ho individuato i contatti per avviarlo (for/rev)ho anche settato la frequenza di lavoro e altri parametri e sembra funzionare.Però leggendo le voci dei parametri ne ho trovate molte tra le tante di cui non capisco la le elenco...nel caso qualcuno mi dia una spiegazione gliene sarei molto gratograziemorenoqueste le noteWhen Pd002=1, the main frequency is set by Potentiometer. ( OK)Please refer to Pd003, Pd002, Pd086-Pd092. ( pd 086-092...Cosa servono? li ho elencati sotto)Note2:The changing frequency is decided by Pd003, Pd086The leaping frequency is decided by Pd092Running time is decided by counter/timer Pd101,Pd102.The reference parameters: Pd003, Pd086-Pd116External Control:Regarding External control 4 speed,Please refer to Pd044-049 for terminal of high speed, medium speed and low speed.Regarding external control multi-speed:Main frequency is decided by Pd003 or Potentiometer.Speed 1 frequency is decided by Pd086Speed 2 frequency is decided by Pd087Speed 3 frequency is decided by Pd088Speed 4 frequency is decided by Pd089Speed 5 frequency is decided by Pd090Speed 6 frequency is decided by Pd091Speed 7 frequency is decided by Pd092NOTE:1. TO complete external 8 speed, the multi-input terminal is set into multi-speed 1,speed2,speed3. This is valid when Pd080 is set to 3.2. By using speed 1,2 and 3, The speed 7 can be finished, by pulsing main frequency, the 8 speed can be set.3. Step1 step7 are decided by Pd086-Pd0924. The time of slow down and speed up are decided by the external terminal D1-D6.5. The running directions are decided by the external terminal D1-D6.6. The main frequency can be set by Pd003 or Potentiometer.grazie ancora
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