salonso Inserito: 30 marzo 2004 Segnala Inserito: 30 marzo 2004 Hi to everyone, I am a programmer from Spain, and I am working on a PCS7 project. We want the SCADA so that it can be accessed via the internet. We have tried Web Navigator 6.0 but it doesn't work properly. Has somebody already dealed with it? I've tried it with WinCC5.1 and it goes OK, but not with WinCC 6.0. (We are now trying to see if it would be better to run it on WinCC6.0).Thanks to all.Sam.Valencia,Spain. (Sorry for writing in English, I can't write in italian, but I can understand it).
tarta Inserita: 26 aprile 2004 Segnala Inserita: 26 aprile 2004 Non conosco Web Navigator della Siemens ma non puoi fare la stessa cosa con PCANYWHERE?Ciao
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