giao12 Inserito: 30 marzo 2022 Segnala Inserito: 30 marzo 2022 Buongiorno, ho trovato questo codice su internet e molto probabilmente potrebbe servirmi ma non riesco proprio a comprenderlo. Qualcuno potrebbe darmi un aiuto su cosa fa e come impostare le cose? Grazie mille classdef cdsOutMatlab < cdsOut %cdsOutMatlab A Cadence Matlab output script % Creates a cadence MATLAB output script to handle the collection and % of Cadence simulation results using MATLAB % % USAGE % cdsOutMatlab(axlCurrentResultsPath,...) % cdsOutMatlab( % % % See also: cdsOutMatlab/cdsOutMatlab, cdsOutMatlab/save, % cdsOutMatlab.load, cdsOutCorner, cdsOutRun,cdsOutTest properties results names paths runHistoryLength end properties (Transient = true) filepath currentResult currentTest currentCorner simDone end properties (Dependent) CR end methods function obj = cdsOutMatlab(varargin) %cdsOutMatlab Creates a new matlab output saving script obj = obj@cdsOut(varargin{:}); % Superclass constructor % if((nargin > 0) && ischar(varargin{1})) % obj.paths.psfLocFolders = strsplit(varargin{1},filesep); % if(isunix && isdir(varargin{1})) % obj.getNames(obj.paths.psfLocFolders); % obj.getPaths; % obj.Info.who = who; % end % end p = inputParser; p.KeepUnmatched = true; p.addOptional('axlCurrentResultsPath','',@(x) ischar(x) && isdir(x)); p.addParameter('signals',[],@iscell); p.addParameter('transientSignals',[],@iscell); p.addParameter('dcSignals',[],@iscell); p.addParameter('filepath',[],@ischar); p.addParameter('runHistoryLength',10,@isdouble) p.addParameter('loadData',false,@islogical) p.parse(varargin{:}); % if(~isempty(p.Results.DUT)) % obj.filepath p.Results.DUT % else obj.filepath = p.Results.filepath; % end obj.runHistoryLength = p.Results.runHistoryLength; obj.results = cdsOutRun.empty; % Load a full result if using the loadData option if(p.Results.loadData && ~isempty(p.Results.axlCurrentResultsPath)) obj.loadData(varargin{:}) % Normal corner path elseif(~isempty(p.Results.axlCurrentResultsPath)) obj.currentCorner = cdsOutCorner(varargin{:}); if(nargin>1) obj.addCorner(obj.currentCorner,varargin{2:end}); else obj.addCorner(obj.currentCorner); end end end function addCorner(obj,corner,varargin) corner = addCorner@cdsOut(obj,corner,varargin{:}); if(~isempty(obj.results)) resultIdx = strcmp({obj.results.Name},corner.names.result); resultNames = obj.results.names; libIdx = strcmp({resultNames.library},corner.names.library); if(~any(resultIdx & libIdx)) result = obj.addResult; elseif(sum(resultIdx & libIdx) == 1) result = obj.results(resultIdx & libIdx); else error('VirtuosoToolbox:cdsOutTest:addCorner','corner belongs to multiple results'); end else result = obj.addResult; end result.addCorner(corner,varargin{:}); end function result = addResult(obj,varargin) % if(ischar(resultIn)) % resultIn = cdsOutRun(); % elseif(isa(resultIn,'cdsOutRun')) % resultIn = 1; % end % resultIdx = strcmp(resultIn.Name,{obj.results.Name}); % if(isempty(resultIdx)) % Create new result if(length(obj.results) < obj.runHistoryLength) result = cdsOutRun; obj.results(end+1) = result; else result = cdsOutRun; obj.results = [obj.result(2:end-1) result]; end % elseif(length(resultIdx) == 1) % Replace existing result % obj.result(resultIdx) = resultIn; % else % warning('VirtuosoToolbox:cdsOutMatlab:addResult','Duplicate results exist'); % end end function save(obj,varargin) % Save Saves the cdsOutMatlab dataset to a file % The dataset is saved to a mat file % % USAGE %; % saves the obj to a file % data = % INPUTS % filePath - file path to save the file. (optional) % If unspecified the dataset's current filePath is used. % If specified the dataset's filepath property is set to filePath % OUTPUTS % data - saved dataset table % see also: cdsOutMatlab p = inputParser; p.addOptional('filePath', [], @(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x)); p.addParameter('saveMode','append',@ischar); p.parse(varargin{:}); if(~isempty(p.Results.filePath)) obj.filepath = p.Results.filePath; filePath = p.Results.filePath; elseif(~isempty({obj.filePath})) filePath = obj.filepath; else filePath = []; end if(isempty(filePath) && ispc) [filename, pathname] = uiputfile({'*.mat','MAT-files (*.mat)'; ... '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'},'Select file to save data'); if isequal(filename,0) || isequal(pathname,0) disp('User pressed cancel') return; else obj.filepath = fullfile(pathname,filename); end end % Save save(obj.filepath,'obj'); end function loadData(obj,varargin) % loadData Loads data from the Cadence database using MATLAB. % Results are unique according to their library and result names. % % USAGE % obj.loadData(resultDir,...) % INPUTS % resultsDir - results directory containing a numbered folder for % each corner sim number and a psf directory % Parameters % Any cdsOutCorner parameters % % See also: cdsOutCorner resultDir = dir(varargin{1}); resultDir = str2double({}); resultDir = resultDir(~isnan(resultDir)); if(isempty(resultDir)) warning(['Data unavailable for:' varargin{1}]); end % out = cdsOutMatlab.empty; for cornerNum = 1:length(resultDir) testName = dir(fullfile(varargin{1},num2str(resultDir(cornerNum)))); testName = {}; testName = testName(3:end); for testNum = 1:length(testName) cornerPSFpath = fullfile(varargin{1},num2str(resultDir(cornerNum)),testName{testNum},'psf'); if(nargin ==1) obj.addCorner(cornerPSFpath); elseif(nargin >1) obj.addCorner(cornerPSFpath,varargin{2:end}); end end end end function getPaths(obj) obj.paths.project = char(strjoin({'','prj',obj.names.project},filesep)); obj.paths.doc = fullfile(obj.paths.project,'doc'); obj.paths.matlab = fullfile(obj.paths.doc,'matlab'); obj.paths.runData = char(strjoin(obj.paths.psfLocFolders(1:11),filesep)); % obj.paths.testData = end function val = get.names(obj) if(~isempty(obj.results)) val = obj.names; % = unique({obj.runs}) else val = struct; end end function val = get.simDone(obj) if(isempty(obj.results)) val = false; else % Check to make sure all the runs are complete val = all([obj.results.simDone]); end end function result = get.CR(obj) if(~isempty(obj.currentResult)) result = obj.currentResult; elseif(~isempty(obj.results)) result = obj.results(end); else result = cdsOutRun.empty; end end function varargout = subsref(obj,s) % subsref Provides customized indexing into the results property % % See also: cdsOutMatlab, cdsOutMatlab/numArgumentsFromSubscript if(length(s)>=2 && strcmp(s(1).type,'.') && strcmp(s(1).subs,'results')) switch s(2).type case {'{}' '()'} if(iscell(s(2).subs)) resultIdx = strcmp(s(2).subs{1},obj.results.Name); if(any(resultIdx)) if(length(s) == 2) varargout = {obj.results(resultIdx)}; else varargout = {builtin('subsref',obj,s)}; end else warning('Result not found') varargout = {cdsOutRun.empty}; end else varargout = {obj.results.subsref(obj.results,s(2:end))}; end case '.' varargout = {builtin('subsref',obj,s)}; end elseif(any(strcmp(s(1).subs,methods(obj)))) if(nargout == 0) builtin('subsref',obj,s); else varargout = {builtin('subsref',obj,s)}; end else varargout = {builtin('subsref',obj,s)}; end end function varargout = numArgumentsFromSubscript(obj,s,indexingContext) if(length(s)>=2 && strcmp(s(1).type,'.') && strcmp(s(1).subs,'results')) varargout = {1}; else varargout = {builtin('numArgumentsFromSubscript',obj,s,indexingContext)}; end end end methods (Static) function data = load(varargin) %load Loads a saved datafile % % USAGE % data = cdsOutMatlab.load(filePath); % % see also: cdsOutMatlab/save % USAGE % data = cdsOutMatlab.load(filePath); % INPUTS % filePath - a single file path or a cell array of paths to load % Outputs % data - dataset table containing the following columns: data, % library name, test bench cell name (TBcell), test name, and % result name. % % see also: cdsOutMatlab/save p = inputParser; p.addOptional('filepath',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x)); % p.addParameter('tableOut',false,@islogical); p.parse(varargin{:}); if(isempty(p.Results.filepath)) [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.mat','MAT-files (*.mat)'; ... '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'},'Select file to save data',... 'MultiSelect', 'on'); if isequal(filename,0) || isequal(pathname,0) disp('User pressed cancel') return; else if(iscell(filename)) cellfun(@(x,y) fullfile(x,y),pathname,filename); else filePath = fullfile(pathname,filename); end end else filePath = p.Results.filepath; end if(ischar(filePath)) data = load(filePath); data = data.obj; elseif(iscell(filePath)) data = cdsOutMatlab.empty; for fileIdx = 1:length(filePath) dataIn = load(filePath{fileIdx}); data = [data dataIn.obj]; end else data = cdsOutMatlab.empty; end % library = {}; % result = {}; % cell = {}; % test = {}; % libs = fieldnames(MAT); % for libIdx = 1:length(libs) % testBenches = fieldnames(MAT.(libs{libIdx})); % for testBenchIdx = 1:length(testBenches) % tests = fieldnames(MAT.(libs{libIdx}).(testBenches{testBenchIdx})); % for testIdx = 1:length(tests) % res = fieldnames(MAT.(libs{libIdx}).(testBenches{testBenchIdx}).(tests{testIdx})); % [result{end+1:end+length(res)}] = deal(char(res)); % [library{end+1:end+length(res)}] = deal(char(libs{libIdx})); % [cell{end+1:end+length(res)}] = deal(char(testBenches{testBenchIdx})); % [test{end+1:end+length(res)}] = deal(char(tests{testIdx})); % data = struct2cell(MAT.(libs{libIdx}).(testBenches{testBenchIdx}).(test{testIdx})); % data = [data{:}]; % end % end % end % switch nargout % case {0,1} % if(p.Results.tableOut) % varargout = {table(data, library', cell', test', result')}; % varargout{1}.Properties.VariableNames = {'data', 'library', 'cell', 'test', 'result'}; % else % varargout = {data}; % end % case 2 % varargout = {data result}; % case 3 % varargout = {data test result}; % case 4 % varargout = {data cell test result}; % case 5 % varargout = {data library cell test result}; % otherwise % error('skyVer:cdsOutMatlab:load','Wrong number of outputs'); % end end end end
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