elkesan Inserito: 19 aprile 2009 Segnala Inserito: 19 aprile 2009 Hello everybody,This citofoni Selti is quite problematic: no spare parts, no documents. If anybody is interested, I have it documents. I scan documents and it is now downloadable.Link:http://www.elkesan.fi/index.php?sivu=Kytke...t%A0ja%A0ohjeetHow to find, if link does not work:http://www.elkesan.fi.Clicca qui: "Lataukset/Download". Then clicca qui: "Kytkentäkaaviot ja ohjeet". Bottom of the page is Selti citofoni and Selti videocitofoni diagrams. Scanned documents, no text... so it is not possible find it using a google .At same page you can find some interesting... universal phone Acet, Schematic diagrams of the Esmi (philosophy is same as Siedle), Aiphone... I will add more documents, when I found.
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