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tale dispositivo non è altro che un ricevitore GPS tutto integrato.... ovviamente bisogna polarizzarlo con gli eventuali filtri....... ho scaricato il datasheet ma e scarso..... l'uscita dovrebbe essere fga quindi in teoria dovrebbe essere trattata con un DSP di cui non ne so' una mazza...... qualcuno ha qualche schema documento come ricavare dall'uscita una qualche info seriale........


  • 2 weeks later...


Ti ringrazio lo stesso... ma l'ho scaricato quando ho ordinato il componente.... li dice come polarizzarlo io cercavo ... qualche info su come trattare i dati di uscita

  • 11 months later...

Sto ancora cercando info su questo componente, questo bel gigillo dovrebbe essere collegato a un DSP per trattamento dati ma su come trattare i dati....bus usato etc...... dove posso reperire queste info?


Visto che hai ordinato il componente , non riesci ad entrare in contatto con il loro supporto tecnico?


  • 3 weeks later...

Purtroppo gli ho mandatto piu' di una mail, che dite devo provare a telefonargli?


Wow che bello, mi hanno rispedito i datasheet. Ho anche contatato il distributore italiano ma nisba..... sara' che non capisco il datasheet :((((


Questo dice sull out:

A differential output is provided from the MAX2740, which can be applied either to the external analog-to-digital conversion circuitry or directly to the companion DSP.


Scusa se mi permetto ma credo che il tuo problema sia difficilmente risolvibile in quanto , per quello che ne so io da quell'integrato escono solamente i dati inviati dal satellite che sono oltre che molti sono anche molto complicati;

Comprendono ora di invio del segnale , posizione del satellite , identificazione del satellite ecc.

Tutti i calcoli della posizione devon essere effettuati dal DSP o dal micro .

Mi pare anche che per avere i dati per decodificare i segnali sia necessaria una licenza ( non sono sicuro).


Inserita: (modificato)

Ti ringrazio tanto Gabriele, finalmente hai chiarito un mio dubbio ovvero l'esistenza di uno standard he esce da quel maledetto integrato. Capisco la necessita di avere la licenza ma il lio progetto è a livello didattico sono studente di ingegneria e volevo costruire un gioielino da interfacciare al labview, quindi essendo per casa mia volevo cercavo di fare a meno della licenza. Qualcuno sa dove trovare lo standard mitico. :(Cosi posso vedere se tali dati sono critgrafati o meno :(

Modificato: da 1achy

Forse non mi sono spiegato bene .

Dal chip dovrebbe uscire , se non ricordo male un segnale phase shift key che contiene le info.

comunque se non hai fretta dovrei avere da qualche parte un file o un link che descrive il segnale gps.

se lo trovo te lo invio.




comunque x chiunque avesse materiale sto portando avanti un progetto di costruzione con pic16f877 e max2740 x la costruzione di un ricevitore gps, da mettere online una volta che saro' riuscito a realizzarlo, speriamo :)

Vi ringrazio tutti.

Il pic 16f877 dovrebbe essere sufficiente come elaborazione xche esiste in vendita:



Il mio progetto sta partendo da un progetto gia realizzato:

e vorrei modificare l'aatuale progetto usando un max2740, il quale dovrebbe semplificare il tutto.

Nel progetto che ho trovato c'e' anche asm del pic.

Sarebbe bello realizzare un ricevitore con PIc+max2740 e metterlo online vista la mancanza di materiale.


Nell'anno 2003 ELETTONICA IN ( ha realizzato un apaprato simile usando il medesimo PIC, solo che la parte GPS è un po' più complicata e si avvale di un ricevitore GPS completo. Non è un GPS con visualizzatore, ma solo il ricevitore e decodificatore, si trovano sul WEB per circa 100$ (


Capisco, ma il divertimento era realizzarlo da zero, cercando di trattare direttamente i dati delle due portanti arriavnti dal satellite :(

Piu' che a ltro era per scopo didattico cercare di realizzare il tutto da zero.


Le citazioni te le ho messe più che altro per segnalarti possibili fonti di informazione.


Si l'ho capito ho fatto anche un giro ma tutti i progetti partono da un modulo ricevitore-dsp gia' assemblato che ti da in uscita i dati gia' pronti rs232,etc. . Cercavo informazioni a monte del dsp ovvero il trattamento dati tra ricevitore e dsp.

comunque ti ringrazio solo che sono mesi che cerco materiale, ma senza risultati. Speriamo bene ,

Ti ringrazio delle fonti.



Ho trovato il file che ricordavo ( e un pdf da 1,5Mb) come posso fartelo avere ?

io dopo averlo scorso , qualche anno fa , decisi di comprare un modulo gia fatto

Trimble mi pare.

fammi sapere.



Puoi mandarmelo via mail se vuoi, .

Altrimenti fammi sapere come meglio preferisci, ti ringrazio anticipatamente.


mi è arrivato , me lo studio e vi faccio sapere

  • 3 weeks later...

Ho trovato questo listato per 16f84, che gestisce uno standard molto simile a quello che mi hai postato :) .

Per adesso è tutto.




ERRORLEVEL -302 ;kill the annoying bank select message


;External connections equates


;PORTA pin assignments


#define SC104_Pin PORTA,0 ;SC104 output

INVERTED_104 EQU 0 ;1 if SC-104 output is thru an inverter

#define Synth_Clk PORTA,1 ;Shift clock for the PLL

#define LCD_RS PORTA,2 ;RS pin on parallel LCD display

#define Select4800 PORTA,2 ;Jumper input read at init time --

;selects the SC-104 output baud rate

;0: 9600 baud 1:4800 baud

#define Select4800_Bit TRISA,2 ;used to reverse direction of IO pin

#define LCD_E PORTA,3 ;E pin on parallel LCD display

#define Synth_Enb PORTA,4 ;ENB pin on the PLL

; These defines establish the output signal levels

#define Synth_Enb_High bsf Synth_Enb

#define Synth_Enb_Low bcf Synth_Enb

#define Synth_Clk_High bsf Synth_Clk

#define Synth_Clk_Low bcf Synth_Clk

#define Synth_Data_High bsf Synth_Data

#define Synth_Data_Low bcf Synth_Data



;PORTB pin assignments


#define CarrierVCO PORTB,0 ;FM demod vco input - used for

;checking whether it is locked

#define Detector PORTB,1 ;Detector output signal from

;the receiver. It is the limited

;input carrier from IF2. Used

;for checking carrier PLL lock

#define Synth_Data PORTB,1 ;Serial data to PLL

#define Synth_Data_Bit TRISB,1 ;used to reverse direction of pin

#define CarrierDet PORTB,2 ;Low if receiver detects

;a carrier

#define SynthLock PORTB,3 ;Low if freq synth is locked

#define RcvrData PORTB,4 ;Serial data input from receiver

#define SkipIfDataOne btfss Bit,4

#define SkipIfDataZero btfsc Bit,4

#define ModeSwitch PORTB,5 ;'MODE' pushbutton - not used

; pressed = high

#define DownSwitch PORTB,6 ;'DOWN' pushbutton - pressed = high

#define UpSwitch PORTB,7 ;'UP' pushbutton - pressed = high

SwMask EQU B'11000000' ;Where there are switches on PORTB

DataMask EQU B'00010000' ;Where RcvrData is on PORTB



;Serial Output and LCD Equates


K9600 EQU 30 ;for 9600 baud delay

K4800 EQU 65 ;for 4800 baud delay


#define SC104_MARK bsf SC104_Pin

#define SC104_SPACE bcf SC104_Pin


#define SC104_MARK bcf SC104_Pin

#define SC104_SPACE bsf SC104_Pin


;the above #defines set up to transmit on a line

;where the quiescent value is low, like a PC

;would want on its COM input line

DispRow1 EQU 128 ;base address of row 1

DispRow2 EQU 192 ;base address of row 2

FreqPos EQU 0 ;Freq starts in first char of first row

FreqWidth EQU 3 ;Three digits used to display frequency

IDLabelPos EQU 6 ;"ID" label starts in char 7, row 1

StatPos EQU 9 ;Status identifiers start in 10th char

;The seven sync/lock status positions on the LCD must stay in the order

;specified below, or LCD updating will get screwed up

SynthStatPos EQU 9 ;Synthesizer Status

CarrierDetPos EQU 10 ;Carrier Detect

CarrierStatPos EQU 11 ;Carrier Lock status

BitSyncPos EQU 12 ;Bit Sync Lock status

WordSyncPos EQU 13 ;Word Sync status

FrameSyncPos EQU 14 ;Frame Sync Status

ParityPos EQU 15 ;Parity Good/Error

BitRatePos EQU 0 ;bit rate starts in first char of second row

BitRateWidth EQU 2 ;two digits used to display bit rate

;(the trailing 0 is fixed)

IDPos EQU 5 ;Station ID starts in char 6 row 2

IDWidth EQU 3 ;three digits used to display Station ID

GoodChar EQU "+" ;char for "good" status

BadChar EQU "X" ; and for bad status



; Processor equates


#define _C STATUS,0

#define _Z STATUS,2


; Bit, Word and Frame Synchronizer Equates


BitWidth EQU 78 ;one bit width

SyncCenter EQU 38 ;middle of bit

ConfWindow EQU 16 ;TMR0 counts either side of middle, to say

;a bit edge was "good" instead of "bad"

Phase_Limit EQU 7 ;max amount to tweak TMR0 on each

;detected bit edge, if out of sync

;(if in sync, only steps of 1 are made)

BitSyncUp EQU 1 ;Up and Down count values

BitSyncDown EQU -7 ;for Bit Sync Lock confidence register

WordSyncUp EQU 16

WordSyncDown EQU -64

FrameSyncUp EQU 64

FrameSyncDown EQU -120

CarrierSyncUp EQU 4

CarrierSyncDown EQU -32

Preamble EQU B'01100110' ;Preamble marking start of frame

;where the parity bits are in received data register Data_A

D25 EQU 7

D26 EQU 6

D27 EQU 5

D28 EQU 4

D29 EQU 3

D30 EQU 2

;where D29 and D30 from the previous word are, in Data_E

D29P EQU 1

D30P EQU 0


; Other equates


IF1 EQU 122 ;First IF is at 122 KHz

IF2 EQU 3 ;Second IF is at 3 KHz

LO1_Base EQU 567+(2*IF1)

;First-LO1 freq for lower end of beacon band

;at 283.5kHz, this is 2*(283.5+IF1)

Synth2 EQU 1000 ;Second divider in synth used to make

;1 khz reference from 1 MHz

AuxRefCntr EQU 0x1F40 ;This sets the AuxRefCntr to 8000 ,for 500Hz

;channel spacing

RefRegCntl EQU 0x4000 ;Tells the PLL to use the AuxRefCntr to

;generate the 500Hz reference frequency FR2

RefFreq EQU 4000+RefRegCntl

;Synth control bits plus value of 12-bit ref

;divider ( don't-care since not used)

PLL_Cntl EQU 0xA0 ;PLL control word -- sets Test Mode, turns off

;ADin pin, sets RefOut to div-by-4



; Variables


cblock 0x0C

LO1:2 ;Two bytes for first LO div-by-n value

Chan ;Current Channel Number

BitSync ;Bit Sync Lock confidence counter. Count

;up by SyncUpCount to max of 255 when good bit

;sync phase is detected, down by SyncDownCount

;when bad bit sync phase detected.

BitRate ;1:200bps, 2:100bps, 3:50bps

OldBitRate ;Last bit rate displayed.

WordSync ;Word Sync Confidence counter, like BitSync

FrameSync ;Frame Sync Confidence Counter, like BitSync

CarrierSync ;Carrier Sync Confidence Counter, like BitSync

Bit ;Value of last bit received

Flags ;1-bit Flags registers, for various things

Flags2 ;This one is *not* cleared during init.

OldSync ;Flag bits for the previous sync state

CurrSync ;Flag bits for the current sync state

LCD_char ;buffer to hold a char to send to the LCD

Bit_K ;holds delay count for SC104 output

SC104_cntr ;counter for sending out the SC104 char

SC104_char ;buffer to hold a char to send to SC104 out

SC104_in ;accum to capture the six incoming bits

SC104_in_cntr ;where we count up the six incoming bits

Data_E ;Registers for the parity algorithm and

Data_D ;word sync. Data_X holds the incoming

Data_C ;stream and it is shifted on every incoming

Data_B ;bit


ThisWord_D ;ThisWord_X holds the sync'd 24bit

ThisWord_C ;data word, polarity corrected. When in

ThisWord_B ;sync, it is changed only every 30 bit word

Parity ;Where parity is computed




Data_Count ;Counts bits shifted into Data_X

SeqNum ;Sequence number read from input data

FrameLength ;Frame length read from input data

WordNumber ;Which word we just received in the frame

; Word 0 is the one with the preamble

; Counts up from there

StaID:0 ;Two bytes for Station ID, from input data

StaID_MSB ; Most significant byte

StaID_LSB ; Least significant byte

OldStaID:0 ;Last Station ID put in LCD



RegA ;used by the BCD converter



temp ;temporary register used in interrupt handler

tempbg ;temporary registers used in background routine

delay_cntr1 ;used in delay routines


Save_W ;used by the interupt handler




;Flags definitions:

#define BadSyncFlag Flags,0 ;1 if a BitEdge is detected

;out of sync zone

#define SC104Flag Flags,1 ;1 to request a char send

;on the SC104 out port

#define LCDFlag Flags,2 ;1 to request a char send

;to the LCD

#define LCDFlag5 Flags,5 ;1 to note the receiver is on

; a ".5" channel

#define LCDFreqUpdRqst Flags,4 ;rqst from int handler to

;background to update the LCD

;Freq display

#define GoodFSTest Flags,6 ;1 if FS test criteria met on a test

#define TrialWordSync Flags2,1 ;1 if we have found good parity

;and want to keep testing this position

#define TrialFrameSync Flags2,2 ;1 if we have found the preamble,

;and want to keep testing this position

#define RS Flags2,3 ;0 to send a command to the LCD

;1 to send a character to display

;CurrSync and OldSync flags registers definitions

;These must stay in the order below, or LCD updating will get screwed up

SynthFlag EQU 0

CarrierDetFlag EQU 1

CarrierFlag EQU 2

BitSyncFlag EQU 3

WordSyncFlag EQU 4

FrameSyncFlag EQU 5

GoodParityFlag EQU 6


;Compute how much data memory is left



EndMem:0 ;define the end of memory



;Data EEPROM initialization


ORG 0x2100 ;where data eeprom starts


de "copyright Jim Bixby 1998"

LastChan de 17 ;last channel the receiver was

; locked to. It is the kHz offset

; from 285kHz (Chan 17 is 302 kHz,

; the Point Loma frequency)

EndData de 0 ;last free byte of data EEPROM


; Calculate remaining file space and data eeprom, for reference


MemLeft EQU 0x50-EndMem ;number of files registers unused

EELeft EQU 0x2140-EndData ;amount of data eeprom unused


ORG 0x000

goto Start

ORG 0x004

goto int


; Parity_Tbl -- determines the parity of the nibble passed in W.

; **** The upper nibble must be zero *******

; Returns in W:

; 0: even parity

; 1: odd parity


Parity_Tbl addwf PCL,f

retlw 0 ;0000

retlw 1 ;0001

retlw 1 ;0010

retlw 0 ;0011

retlw 1 ;0100

retlw 0 ;0101

retlw 0 ;0110

retlw 1 ;0111

retlw 1 ;1000

retlw 0 ;1001

retlw 0 ;1010

retlw 1 ;1011

retlw 0 ;1100

retlw 1 ;1101

retlw 1 ;1110

retlw 0 ;1111


;The next two tables return the first and second Bit Rate characters

; Enter with the bit rate in W



addwf PCL,1

retlw " " ;bit rate can't be zero

retlw "2"

retlw "1"

retlw " "


addwf PCL,f

retlw " "

retlw "0"

retlw "0"

retlw "5"


; ChkParity -- a MACRO


; Verify the specified parity bit matches the parity of the masked 24 data

; bits and previous "polarity" bit. Parity calculation is done a nibble

; at a time using a lookup table.


; Inputs:

; Mask 3 byte mask to apply to 24-bit data word

; ParBit The parity bit being tested

; PolBit D29' or D30' from previous word


; Return:

; Jumps to 'badparity' if parity test fails

; Falls through if parity matches


ChkParity MACRO Mask, ParBit, PolBit

LOCAL even, match

clrf Parity ; Parity "accumulator". Initialize

btfsc Data_E,PolBit ; it with D29 or D30 from the

incf Parity,f ; previous frame

swapf ThisWord_D,w ; Begin with new block d1..d4

andlw (Mask >> 20) & 0x0F ; Bits go in low nibble of W

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f ; Parity ^= W

movf ThisWord_D,w ; d5..d8

andlw (Mask >> 16) & 0x0F

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f

swapf ThisWord_C,w ; d9..d12

andlw (Mask >> 12) & 0x0F

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f

movf ThisWord_C,w ; d13..d16

andlw (Mask >> 8) & 0x0F

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f

swapf ThisWord_B,w ; d17..d20

andlw (Mask >> 4) & 0x0F

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f

movf ThisWord_B,w ; d21..d24

andlw Mask & 0x0F

call Parity_Tbl

xorwf Parity,f

bz even ; Test parity, skip next if 1

btfss Data_A,ParBit ; Odd parity. Verify parity bit matches.

goto badparity

goto match

even btfsc Data_A,ParBit ; Even. Verify parity bit matches.

goto badparity





; Interrupt service routines


int movwf Save_W ;interrupted -- save W

movfw STATUS ;and STATUS

movwf Save_Status

movfw FSR ;save the FSR

movwf Save_FSR

btfss INTCON,INTE ;is the CarrierVCO int enabled?

goto _int_chk_tmr ; no-go check other sources

btfss INTCON,INTF ; yes - was that the int?

goto _int_chk_tmr ; no

;here to service an RB0/INT interrupt -- do one measurement on the lock

;status of the Carrier PLL VCO

movlw CarrierSync ;set up for a confidence test

movwf FSR ;on CarrierSync

movlw CarrierSyncUp ;assume a good test

btfsc Detector ;and skip if it was good

movlw CarrierSyncDown ;get the 'bad' test value

call ConfCntr ;go do the test

btfss _C ;skip if test finished

goto _exit_carrier

;we have determined carrier lock status -- set the flag


bsf CurrSync,CarrierFlag ;assume it passed

btfsc _Z ;and skip if it did

bcf CurrSync,CarrierFlag ;no - it failed

_exit_carrier bcf INTCON,INTE ;disable another interrupt

goto _int_restore


btfss INTCON,T0IF ;see if it was the Timer (bit interval)

goto _int_chk_edge ;no, go see if a bit edge or switch

;press happened

;Interrupt handler for TMR0, the bit interval timer

movlw -BitWidth ;reload the timer

movwf TMR0

bcf INTCON,T0IF ;clear the flag

;sample and process the incoming bit

;send them out, six at a time

movfw PORTB ;read the bit

andlw DataMask ;and save it, in position, in

movwf Bit ;Bit

bcf _C ;clear the carry prior to shifting

rrf SC104_in,f ;make room for the new bit

movlw 0x20 ;this is where the new bit goes

SkipIfDataZero ;skip if the received bit is zero

iorwf SC104_in,f ;if 1, set the bit

decfsz SC104_in_cntr,f ;see if we have 6 bits yet

goto Parity_Test ;not yet -- go calculate parity

;we have received six bits -- send them out the SC104 port

movfw SC104_in ;set bit six and

iorlw 0x40 ;send the char

movwf SC104_char

bsf SC104Flag ;tell the handler to send it

movlw 6 ;reset the counter

movwf SC104_in_cntr ;and clear the bit accumulator

clrf SC104_in



; Do the parity calculation and set/maintain WordSyncFlag


Parity_Test movlw -1 ;put the received bit

addwf Bit,w ;into Carry

rlf Data_A,f ;then shift into Data

rlf Data_B,f

rlf Data_C,f

rlf Data_D,f

rlf Data_E,f

;If we are out of sync, or 30th bit was shifted in

;test the parity to see if it is good

btfss TrialWordSync ;if not trying this position

goto dotest ;go test on every bit

decfsz Data_Count,f ;else, only test on 30th bit

goto FSDone ;no test required at this time

;and not time to test FS either

dotest movlw 30 ;reset the bit counter

movwf Data_Count

;save data from prior word, then

;make copy of data, with correct polarity

movfw ThisWord_B

movwf PriorWord_B

movfw ThisWord_C

movwf PriorWord_C

movfw ThisWord_D

movwf PriorWord_D

movfw Data_B

movwf ThisWord_B

movfw Data_C

movwf ThisWord_C

movfw Data_D

movwf ThisWord_D

btfss Data_E,D30P ;use previous word's D30

goto dopar ;to invert data

comf ThisWord_B,f

comf ThisWord_C,f

comf ThisWord_D,f

; Calculate parity using the signal spec algorithm and compare to

; each of the parity bits. Note: A steady stream of 0's will pass

; the parity test.



ChkParity 0xEC7CD2,D25,D29P


ChkParity 0x763E69,D26,D30P

ChkParity 0xBB1F34,D27,D29P

ChkParity 0x5D8F9A,D28,D30P

ChkParity 0xAEC7CD,D29,D30P

ChkParity 0x2DEA27,D30,D29P

; Now make sure everything's not all 0's or 1's

movfw Data_A

iorwf Data_B,w

iorwf Data_C,w

iorwf Data_D,w

btfsc _Z

goto badparity

movfw Data_A

andwf Data_B,w

andwf Data_C,w

andwf Data_D,w

xorlw 0xFF

btfsc _Z

goto badparity

; We get here if the parity check passed

bsf CurrSync,GoodParityFlag

btfss TrialWordSync ;if we are trying this position, run

;the confidence counter

goto start_trial ;else go set flag to try this position

;30 bits from now

movlw WordSync ;point FSR at the WordSync conf. counter

movwf FSR

movlw WordSyncUp

call ConfCntr ;go count the counter up

btfsc _C

bsf CurrSync,WordSyncFlag ;overflow - say we are in sync

goto WSDone


bsf TrialWordSync ;show that we want to try this spot

DropSync movlw 0x80 ;re-init the confidence counters

movwf WordSync

movwf FrameSync

bcf CurrSync,WordSyncFlag ;can't possibly be in word sync now

bcf CurrSync,FrameSyncFlag ;or in frame sync

bsf StaID,7 ;mark station ID as invalid

goto WSDone

; We get here if the parity test failed

badparity bcf CurrSync,GoodParityFlag

btfss TrialWordSync ;skip if we testing a trial location

goto WSDone ;no, exit

; We get here if are testing a trial position, but a bad parity test

movlw WordSync ;so run the confidence counter

movwf FSR

movlw WordSyncDown

call ConfCntr ;go count the counter down

btfss _C ;if inbounds, exit

goto WSDone

bcf TrialWordSync ;underflow: setup to start hunting anew

goto DropSync




; Frame synchronization code, to read the station ID


FrSync btfss CurrSync,WordSyncFlag ;if not in word sync

goto FSDone ;don't try frame sync

incf WordNumber,f

btfss TrialFrameSync ;are we trying a position?

goto FSNotTrying ;no

;we are testing a location -- see if now is the time

movfw WordNumber

xorwf FrameLength,w

btfss _Z

goto FSDone ;nope - don't check

incf SeqNum,f ;right time, so inc. seq num

movlw Preamble ;see if the preamble is there

xorwf PriorWord_D,w

btfss _Z

goto BadFS ;nope - test failed

movfw ThisWord_C ;compare seq numbers

xorwf SeqNum,w

andlw 0x07

btfss _Z

goto BadFS ;nope - test failed

bsf GoodFSTest ;remember this test passed

movlw FrameSyncUp ;passed - go up

goto DoFSConf

BadFS bcf GoodFSTest

movlw FrameSyncDown

bsf StaID,7

DoFSConf movlw FrameSync ;do the conf count

movwf FSR

call ConfCntr

btfss _C ;over/underflow?

goto Exit_FS ;no - finished for now

btfsc _Z ;skip if overflow

goto FSReject ;underflow-reject this spot

bsf CurrSync,FrameSyncFlag ;success - show Frame Sync

goto Exit_FS ;and do the wrap up

FSReject bcf CurrSync,FrameSyncFlag ;out of sync

bcf TrialFrameSync ;start all over

movlw 0x80 ;reset conf counter

movwf FrameSync

bsf StaID,7 ;not in sync, so StaID is bad

goto FSDone

FSNotTrying movlw Preamble

xorwf PriorWord_D,w ;Preamble?

btfss _Z

goto FSDone ;no-exit

movlw 0x80 ;init conf counter

movwf FrameSync

bsf StaID,7

bsf TrialFrameSync ;show we want to test this spot

Exit_FS clrf WordNumber ;this is word 0

movfw ThisWord_C ;save sequence number

andlw 0x07

movwf SeqNum

movfw ThisWord_B ;and FrameLength

movwf FrameLength

rrf FrameLength,f

rrf FrameLength,f

rrf FrameLength,w

andlw 0x1F

addlw 2

movwf FrameLength ;this is when the

;next start of frame is

bsf StaID,7

btfss CurrSync,FrameSyncFlag ;if in sync

goto FSDone

btfss CurrSync,GoodParityFlag ;and good parity

goto FSDone

btfss GoodFSTest ;and the FS criteria was met

goto FSDone

movfw PriorWord_B ;save the Station ID

movwf StaID_LSB

movfw PriorWord_C

andlw 0x03

movwf StaID_MSB

goto FSDone




; Serial output routine.

; To send a char to the LCD, put the char in LCD_char.

; For a control char, clear flag RS

; For a char to be displayed, set flag RS

; Then set flag LCD_char, and wait until this

; routine comes along, sends the char, and clears

; the flag. LCDFlag is set *only* in the background

; code.

; To send a char to the SC104 serial out port, put the

; char in SC104_char and set flag SC104Flag. After

; sending, this routine clears SC104Flag. SC104Flag

; is set *only* by the TMR0 interrupt service routine.

; The SC104 baud rate is determined by Bit_K, which in turn is

; set during Init, after looking at the 4800/9600 jumper

; on the receiver board.



btfss LCDFlag ;LCD character waiting?

goto _chk_SC104 ;no, go check for SC104 output

BANKSEL TRISB ;switch port to output;

clrf TRISB


bcf LCD_E ;make sure E is low, and set RS

bcf LCD_RS ;appropriately

btfsc RS

bsf LCD_RS

lcdsend movfw LCD_char ;output the char

movwf PORTB

bsf LCD_E ;and strobe the E pin

bcf LCD_E

BANKSEL TRISB ;and switch the port back to inputs

comf TRISB,f


bcf LCDFlag ;note that the char has been sent

_chk_SC104 btfss SC104Flag ;if SC104 flag set, send a char

goto SerDone ;nothing to send


movlw 9 ;8 data + start

movwf SC104_cntr

SC104_SPACE ;set the start bit

goto $+1 ;equalize delay paths

goto $+1


_baud_delay movfw Bit_K ;baud delay timer

movwf temp

_ser_loop decfsz temp,f ;wait one baud

goto _ser_loop

decfsz SC104_cntr,f ;count down one bit

goto _next_bit

goto _SC104_Done

_next_bit rrf SC104_char,f ;put the bit to send in the carry

btfsc _C

goto _SC_Mark ;send a Mark for a 1


nop ;delay equalizer

goto _baud_delay

_SC_Mark SC104_MARK

goto _baud_delay

_SC104_Done goto $+1


bcf SC104Flag ;note char has been sent

goto $+1

SC104_MARK ;send the stop bit







;_int_chk_edge: Interrupt handler for switch presses or a bit edge received


_int_chk_edge btfss INTCON,RBIF ;see if switch press or bit edge

goto exit_int ;nope -- exit the handler

;switch or bit edge -- check bit edge first

movfw PORTB ;read RcvrData

andlw DataMask ;pick out the right bit

xorwf Bit,w ;xor with last bit received -- result

btfsc _Z ;non-zero if bit changed

goto _int_chk_switch ;no change: go check for a switch press

;Interrupt handler for BitEdge - just process the edge event, not the bit

bcf BadSyncFlag ;start off assuming sync is good

movlw BitSync ;point FSR at the BitSync conf cntr

movwf FSR

movfw TMR0 ;read the timer

addlw SyncCenter ;check the phase

movwf temp ;and save the error

btfss _C ;skip if phase lagging

goto _leading

; phase is lagging or exact -- temp has the phase error

btfsc _Z ;if exact, do nothing

goto _end_adjust

; Adust timer, proportional to error value (but not more than three)

addlw -Phase_Limit-1 ;See if outside of PhaseLimit

btfss _C ;skip if so

goto _lag_adj ;otherwise, just go adjust

movfw temp ;get the error back

addlw -ConfWindow

btfsc _C ;if >Window, declare

bsf BadSyncFlag ;BitEdge out of bounds

movlw Phase_Limit ;Clip to adjustment limit

movwf temp

_lag_adj movfw temp

btfsc CurrSync,BitSyncFlag ;only move one if in sync

movlw 1

subwf TMR0,f

goto _end_adjust


; phase is leading and outside of zone -- increment timer

; temp has the phase error, and is negative

comf temp,f ;make positive

incf temp,f

movfw temp ;clip at Phase_Limit

addlw -Phase_Limit-1

btfss _C

goto _lead_adj

movfw temp

addlw -ConfWindow

btfsc _C ;if >Window, declare

bsf BadSyncFlag ;BitEdge out of bounds

movlw Phase_Limit

movwf temp

_lead_adj movfw temp ;and adjust the phase

btfsc CurrSync,BitSyncFlag ;but only one if in sync

movlw 1

addwf TMR0,f

;done with phase adjustment -- update sync confidence counter

_end_adjust movlw BitSyncUp ;get amount to move counter

btfsc BadSyncFlag

movlw BitSyncDown

call ConfCntr ;and go move it

btfss _C ;Carry means under/overflow

goto _exit_BitEdge

btfss _Z ; Z means underflow: out of sync

goto _into_bitsync

;Test ended, and concluded no sync to be found

bcf CurrSync,BitSyncFlag ;declare out of bit sync

decfsz BitRate,w ;Move to next rate

goto $+2

movlw 3

movwf BitRate ;rollover, back to 50 bps

call SetBitRate ;go set the next rate to try

goto _exit_BitEdge

_into_bitsync bsf CurrSync,BitSyncFlag ;declare sync


;fall into checking the pushbutton switches



; _int_chk_switch: Interrupt handler for pushbutton presses

; (The Mode switch is ignored and is available for possible future

; expansion of the code)


_int_chk_switch movlw 84 ;maximum channel number+1

btfss UpSwitch ;see if UP pressed

goto _checkDown ;nope

call UpOneChan ; UP pressed -- increment Chan

goto _newchan

_checkDown btfss DownSwitch ;check the DOWN switch

goto exit_int ;nope, exit

call DownOneChan ; DOWN pressed -- decrement Chan

; Now, update the PLL and LCD with the new channel number

_newchan call Set_PLL

bsf LCDFreqUpdRqst ;Ask the background to display

;the new frequency

; Wait for switch to be released

_swloop movfw PORTB

andlw SwMask ;all switches should be off

btfss _Z ;skip if they are

goto _swloop ;and test again if not

movlw 4 ;wait 40 ms

call Delay_Long

movfw PORTB

andlw SwMask ;all switches should be off

btfss _Z ;skip if they are

goto _swloop ;and test again if not



; exit_int -- to exit the interrupt handler


exit_int bsf INTCON,RBIE ;make sure switch ints enabled

bcf INTCON,RBIF ;and clear the source flag

bsf INTCON,INTE ;enable a Carrier interrrupt next

_int_restore movfw Save_FSR

movwf FSR

swapf Save_W,f ;tricky move to restore W

movfw Save_Status ;get the saved status

movwf STATUS ;and restore it

swapf Save_W,w ;restore W w/o affecting Z

;of status

bcf INTCON,INTF ;clear Carrier int. flag




; Some routines called from the interrupt handler


DownOneChan decf Chan,f

btfss Chan,7 ;see if sign went negative

return ;nope, all done

movlw 83 ;

movwf Chan ;underflow -- wrap around to 83


UpOneChan incf Chan,f

subwf Chan,w ;test for over max (84 is in w)

btfsc _Z ;skip if not over

movwf Chan ;went over; wrap around to zero



; ConfCntr -- generalized confidence counter routine

; Enter with FSR pointing to the counter to be updated

; and the amount to change in W (signed byte)

; Result is returned in the Zero and Carry bits in the

; status register as follows:

; Carry clear: counter stayed above 0 and below 255


; Zero bit indeterminant


; Carry set: counter overflowed (tried to go over 255) or

; counter underflowed (tried to go below 0)


; Zero set: Underflow -- counter set to 0

; Zero clear: Overflow -- counter set to 255


ConfCntr movwf temp ;save delta so we can remember

;the direction we moved

addwf INDF,f ;update the counter

btfss temp,7 ;skip if we moved down

goto _conf_up

btfsc _C ;going down: no carry means underflow

goto _inbounds

clrf INDF ;zero the counter (also sets Z:underflow)

bsf _C ;set carry to show over/underflow


_conf_up btfss _C ;going up: carry means overflow

goto _inbounds

clrf INDF ;set counter to 255

comf INDF,f ; (also clears Z: overflow)

bsf _C ;set carry to show over/underflow


_inbounds bcf _C ;clear the carry to show we stayed inbounds




; Main Program --

; Initialize the registers

; Init. the PLL and LCD

; Loop doing the background processing


Start movlw 20 ;wait .2 sec for the LCD to power up

call Delay_Long

call Init ;then initialize everything

bsf INTCON,GIE ;and then enable global interrupts

call Init_LCD ;and initialize the LCD display

;(ints must be enabled to get

;chars to the LCD display)

call LCD_Freq ;display the frequency

call LCD_BitRate ;and bit rate

background btfss LCDFreqUpdRqst ;see if the LCD freq needs updating

goto DisplayStatus ;no, move on

call LCD_Freq ;do it, if so

bcf LCDFreqUpdRqst ;and note that we did it

; Now see if any of the sync/lock status bits changed, and if so

; update the LCD display


bcf CurrSync,CarrierDetFlag ;first, get the carrier and synth

btfss CarrierDet ;from the hardware and put in

bsf CurrSync,CarrierDetFlag ;CurrSync. Signals are low true

bcf CurrSync,SynthFlag

btfss SynthLock

bsf CurrSync,SynthFlag

;now, see if any Sync bits changed since last LCD update

movfw CurrSync

xorwf OldSync,w ;non zero means something changed

btfsc _Z

goto DispStaID ;nothing changed - go do the Station ID

;something changed, so update the sync status display

movfw CurrSync ;temporarily, use OldSync to display

movwf OldSync ;current status

movlw DispRow2+StatPos ;go to status position on LCD

call LCD_cmd

movlw 7 ;there are seven status chars

movwf tempbg ;temporary counter

_stat_loop rrf OldSync,f

movlw GoodChar

btfss _C ;display each char

movlw BadChar

call LCD_Out

decfsz tempbg,f

goto _stat_loop

movfw CurrSync ;remember the display status

movwf OldSync

;see if StaID changed -- if so, display

DispStaID bcf INTCON,GIE ;turn off interrupts to get a clean

movfw StaID_MSB ;read of the two bytes

movwf RegB

movfw StaID_LSB

movwf RegC

bsf INTCON,GIE ;and turn interrupts back on

movfw RegB ;see if it changed

xorwf OldStaID_MSB,w

btfss _Z

goto DispSta ;MSB changed - go display

movfw RegC ;MSB same -- check LSB

xorwf OldStaID_LSB,w

btfss _Z

DispSta call LCD_StaID ;changed so display the value

DispBR movfw OldBitRate ;see if bit rate changed

xorwf BitRate,w

btfss _Z

call LCD_BitRate ;yup - display the new value

goto background ;and just keep going around



; Init -- Initialize I/O pins and variables, and interrupts



BANKSEL TRISB ;set up direction of i/o pins

clrf TRISB ;TRISB all inputs, normally

comf TRISB,f

clrf TRISA ;and TRISA all outputs

bsf Select4800_Bit ;except this bit for now is an input


movlw K9600

btfsc Select4800 ;check jumper: skip if 9600 selected

movlw K4800

movwf Bit_K


clrf TRISA ;put TRISA back to all outputs now

BANKSEL PORTB ;switch back to bank zero

;Init the serial output and Synth clock



;Init the PLL Control Register


movlw 10 ;wait .1 sec to make sure Synth is up

call Delay_Long

movlw PLL_Cntl

call PLL_Send ;send w to the PLL

Synth_Enb_Low ;Take ENB back low

nop ;Wait a beat

Synth_Enb_High ;Raise ENB again

movlw high RefFreq ;and load the Ref counter

call PLL_Send ;divide by n

movlw low RefFreq

call PLL_Send

movlw high AuxRefCntr

call PLL_Send

movlw low AuxRefCntr

call PLL_Send


;Init the PLL Tx (LO1) and Rx (LO2) counters

call Get_Last_Chan ;fetch the last channel from eeprom to Chan

call Set_PLL ;and init the PLL counters for LO1 and LO2

;Init the counter and accumulator for SC104 bits

movlw 6 ;six bits go into each byte

movwf SC104_in_cntr

clrf SC104_in ;clear the incoming-bit accumulator

;Init Flags to all zeroes and reset sync status

clrf Flags

call Reset_Sync

;Init the interrupt handler

bcf INTCON,RBIF ;clear the interrupt flag and

bsf INTCON,RBIE ;enable interrupts on PORTB change



;Reset_Sync -- clears all sync bits, and inits all conf counters to

; mid-scale


Reset_Sync movlw 0x80

movwf CarrierSync

movwf BitSync

movwf WordSync

movwf FrameSync

movwf CarrierSync

clrf CurrSync

clrf OldSync

bsf StaID,7 ;mark StaID as invalid

movlw 3

movwf BitRate ;set up to seek a new bit rate

;starting at 50bps

bcf CurrSync,BitSyncFlag




;PLL_Send -- sends the byte in w to the MC145162 synthesizer


PLL_Send movwf temp ;save the byte to send

movlw 8 ;set up to send 8 bits

movwf delay_cntr2 ;use this as a temp reg - it is safe

;when this routine is called to do so

Synth_Clk_Low ;make sure clock is low to start

BANKSEL TRISB ;and make the data pin an output

bcf Synth_Data_Bit


_PLL_Next rlf temp,f ;put next bit into carry

Synth_Data_Low ;assume data bit is zero

btfsc _C ;skip if the data should be zero

Synth_Data_High ;data=1, raise the data line

Synth_Clk_High ;give the PLL a clock pulse


decfsz delay_cntr2,f ;see if done

goto _PLL_Next ;nope - go send next bit

BANKSEL TRISB ;return data pin to being an input

bsf Synth_Data_Bit




; Set_PLL: Adds Chan to the LO1_Base, and sends LO1 and Synth2 divide-by-n

; values to the PLL. (Calls PLL_Send). Since this is only

; called on init and on a freq change, also clear the sync

; status. After Init, called only from the interrupt service

; routine, so the use of the IO pins will not collide with

; sending data to the LCD.


Set_PLL movlw high LO1_Base ;get the base value

movwf LO1

movlw low LO1_Base

movwf LO1+1

movfw Chan ;add the channel offset

addwf LO1+1,f ;and add it to the LO1 base frequency

btfsc _C

incf LO1,f

Synth_Enb_Low ;send out the 32 bit word

movfw LO1

call PLL_Send

movfw LO1+1

call PLL_Send

movlw high Synth2

call PLL_Send

movlw low Synth2

call PLL_Send

Synth_Enb_High ;pulse ENB to latch data


call Set_Last_Chan ;save this channel in the eeprom

call Reset_Sync ;can't be in sync if changing freq

movlw 3 ;start bit rate hunting at 50bps

call SetBitRate




; SetBitRate: sets the BitRate, sets up TMR0, and turns on the

; TMR0 interrupt

; Enter with BitRate in W:

; 1 : 200 bps

; 2 : 100 bps

; 3 : 50 bps



bcf INTCON,T0IE ;disable TMR0 interrupts

movwf BitRate ;save this bit rate

movlw 0x80 ;init BitSync conf counter

movwf BitSync

bcf CurrSync,BitSyncFlag ;declare 'out of sync'

movfw BitRate ;set the prescaler from BitRate

BANKSEL OPTION_REG ;Set OPTION register: PORTB pullups off,

addlw B'11000100' ; INT:rising edge, TMR0 internal clock

movwf OPTION_REG ; Prescaler to TMR0, set prescaler


movlw -BitWidth ;Load the timer

movwf TMR0

bcf INTCON,T0IF ;clear any pending timer interrupt

bsf INTCON,T0IE ;Enable timer interrupts



; Get_Last_Chan: Gets the last channel number from EEPROM



movlw low LastChan ;get the EEPROM address of the byte

movwf EEADR


bsf EECON1, RD ;eeprom read


movf EEDATA,w ;put the byte into w

movwf Chan ;and save it in Chan



; Set_Last_Chan: Writes the current channel number to EEPROM


; This is called by Set_PLL, which is only called from within

; the interrupt handler, so interrupts are disabled when this is

; called


Set_Last_Chan movfw Chan ;get the channel number to save

movwf EEDATA

movlw low LastChan ;address setup

movwf EEADR

BANKSEL EECON1 ;switch banks

_EEWait btfsc EECON1,WR ;skip if previous write complete

goto _EEWait

bsf EECON1,WREN ;enable EEPROM write

movlw 0x55 ;prescribed writing sequence

movwf EECON2

movlw 0xaa

movwf EECON2

bsf EECON1,WR ;Set WR to begin write

BANKSEL EEDATA ;switch back to bank 0




; Delay_100us -- generates a 100 us delay. Uses only W


Delay_100us movlw -23

_t_loop addlw 1 ;increment w

btfss _C ;skip if carry

goto _t_loop



; Delay_10ms -- generates a 10 ms delay.

; Uses delay_cntr1, calls Delay_100us


Delay_10ms movlw 100

movwf delay_cntr1

_loop10ms call Delay_100us

decfsz delay_cntr1,f

goto _loop10ms



; Delay_Long -- generates a delay of N * 10ms, where N is in W on entry

; (Uses delay_cntr2, calls Delay_10ms)


Delay_Long movwf delay_cntr2 ;save the count

_looplong call Delay_10ms ;call Delay_10ms that number of

decfsz delay_cntr2,f ;times

goto _looplong




;bin2bcd - 10 bit binary to bcd conversion


; Enter with ten bit number in RegB:RegC

; (ie, 2 msb's in lsbs of RegB, 8 lsb's in RegC)

; Make sure six msbs of RegB are zero

; Routine converts numbers in the range of 0-999

; to ascii and send the three digits to the LCD



movlw B'00000001' ;conversion code found on the

movwf RegA ;Internet -- it is magic, and I

;have no idea how it works. If the

b2bloop rlf RegC,f ;input is 1000-1023, the code generates

rlf RegB,f ;0xA for the hunds digit, so if Station

rlf RegA,f ;id values over 999 are ever used, then

;this is the code which would have to

btfsc _C ;be modified to detect an 'A' in the

goto b2bascii ;hunds digit and convert that to

;two digits of '1' and '0'.

movlw 0x03

addwf RegB,f

btfss RegB,3

subwf RegB,f

movlw 0x30

addwf RegB,f

btfss RegB,7

subwf RegB,f

goto b2bloop


movfw RegA ;Hunds value

call LCD_ascii

swapf RegB,w ;Tens value

call LCD_ascii

movfw RegB ;Ones value

call LCD_ascii




; LCD_cmd -- Requests that a control char be sent to the LCD display

; LCD_Out -- Requests that a char be sent to the LCD display

; LCD_ascii - Converts a digit 0-9 to ascii and sends it to the LCD

; Char sends happen on the next TMR0 interrupt


; *****This may be called ONLY from the background********

; ***** not from within the interrupt handler ********


LCD_cmd bcf RS ;note this is a command

goto LCD_Out2

LCD_ascii andlw 0x0F

addlw "0"

LCD_Out bsf RS ;note this a char to send

LCD_Out2 movwf LCD_char ;save the byte to send

bsf LCDFlag ;signal the interrupt handler we have something

;for sending - it will get sent on

;the next TMR0 interrupt


btfsc LCDFlag ;wait until it has been sent

goto _LCD_Out_Loop



; Init_LCD -- initialize the LCD display



movlw 0x38 ;8 bit mode, 1/16th duty cycle,

call LCD_cmd ;5x8 font

call Delay_10ms

movlw 0x38

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_10ms

movlw 0x38

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_10ms

movlw 0x38 ;select 8 bits/2 rows/5x8 dots

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_100us

movlw 0x06 ;entry mode chars add to the right

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_100us

movlw 0x0C ;Disp on, no cursor, no blink

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_100us

movlw 0x01 ;Clear display, home cursor

call LCD_cmd

call Delay_10ms

;LCD is now up and running, and we can init the displayed data

movlw DispRow1+FreqPos+FreqWidth

call LCD_cmd

movlw "." ;put up the'.'as decimal dot for Freq

call LCD_Out

movlw DispRow1+IDLabelPos

call LCD_cmd

movlw "I" ;put up "ID"

call LCD_Out

movlw "D"

call LCD_Out

movlw DispRow1+StatPos

call LCD_cmd

movlw "S" ;put up "SICBWFP" for status indicators

call LCD_Out

movlw "I"

call LCD_Out

movlw "C"

call LCD_Out

movlw "B"

call LCD_Out

movlw "W"

call LCD_Out

movlw "F"

call LCD_Out

movlw "P"

call LCD_Out

movlw DispRow2+BitRatePos+BitRateWidth

call LCD_cmd ;put up '0b' for bits/sec in second row

movlw "0"

call LCD_Out

movlw "b"

call LCD_Out

;put dashes in the station ID position, since

;we don't know what it is

call IDDash



; IDDash -- pusts dashes in the Station ID Display


IDDash movlw DispRow2+IDPos

call LCD_cmd

movlw IDWidth

movwf tempbg

movlw "-"

_IDDashLoop call LCD_Out

decfsz tempbg,f

goto _IDDashLoop

movlw " "

call LCD_Out

bsf OldStaID,7 ;note that it has dashes

bsf StaID,7



;LCD_Freq -- Converts and displays the 3-digit frequency


LCD_Freq movlw high 567 ;equivalent to Chan0=283.5kHz

movwf RegB ;load RegB with high567

movfw Chan ;convert chan to freq

addlw low 567 ;by adding (2*283.5)kHz

movwf RegC ;load RegC with (Chan+low567)

btfsc _C ;perform carry, if any

incf RegB,f

bcf LCDFreqUpdRqst ;clear the request

rrf RegC,1 ;divide by 2 RegC, LSB in _C

btfsc _C ;test carry

call Display_5 ;display "5" after the dot

call Display_0 ;display "0" after the dot

rrf RegB,1 ;divide by 2 RegB, LASB in _C

btfsc _C ;test carry

bsf RegC,7 ;if _C=1 transfer RegB LSB into RegC MSB

movlw DispRow1+FreqPos ;go to Freq position

call LCD_cmd

call bin2bcd ;convert it to bcd-ascii

;and display



;Display "5" after the dot


Display_5 movlw DispRow1+FreqPos+FreqWidth+1 ;go after the dot

call LCD_cmd

movlw "5"

call LCD_Out ;display "5"

bsf LCDFlag5 ;note receiver is on a".5" channel



;Display "0" after the dot


Display_0 btfsc LCDFlag5

goto Display_0_skip ;if on ".5" channel , skip display "0"

movlw DispRow1+FreqPos+FreqWidth+1 ;go after the dot

call LCD_cmd

movlw "0"

call LCD_Out ;display "0"


bcf LCDFlag5 ;note receiver is on a ".0" channel



;LCD_StaID -- converts and displays the Station ID


LCD_StaID movfw RegB

movwf OldStaID_MSB ;remember that we displayed this ID

movfw RegC

movwf OldStaID_LSB

btfss RegB,7 ;see if valid

goto Valid_ID

call IDDash ;nope, display dashes


Valid_ID movlw DispRow2+IDPos

call LCD_cmd

call bin2bcd ;display it



;LCD_BitRate -- displays the current bit rate


LCD_BitRate movfw BitRate ;remember that we have displayed

movwf OldBitRate ;the current bit rate

movlw DispRow2+BitRatePos

call LCD_cmd ;and then actually display it

movfw OldBitRate

call BR_First

call LCD_Out

movfw OldBitRate

call BR_Second

call LCD_Out



Inserita: (modificato)

Aggiornando le ricerche, sono arrivato al punto di cercare un ricevitore baseband che va all' out del max2740, forse molti gia' lo sapevano ma le mie ricerche sono lente e reperire info su cio' è molto difficile ed il tempo è limitato....

comunque do ulteriori notizie:

Antenna--------------| max2740 |--------------| basebabnd |--------------------------- Al PIC

Qualcuno sa consigliarmi un ricevitore baseband da usare con il max 2740?

Modificato: da 1achy

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