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Pic 16f57 Con Picstart Plu - non riesco a programmare 16f57 con picst

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Salve. Ho un problema. Non riesco a programmare il PIC 16f57 con il Picstart Plus nonostante sia stato aggiornato con il kit di aggiornamento e vi sia stato caricato il firmware " pspsl 44001.hex "tramite il menu a tendina "PROGRAMMER" "DAWNLOAD PICSTART OS" di MPLAB IDE 8.46 che ho in uso.

Precisamente, la programmazione avanza molto lentamente e al termine mi compare il seguente messaggio:

PICSTART Plus Firmware Version 04.40.01Erase operation is successful.

PICSTART Program\Verify Report

10-Mar-2010, 21:53:20

Device Type: PIC16F57

Address Range 0-3c6

Program Memory Errors

Non so cosa possa aver frainteso o dimenticato.

Per favore, qualcuno mi può dare qualche dritta?




9. Programming PIC16C55A/C57C/F57 Devices


From ETN #22:

Symptom: PIC16C55A, PIC16C57C and PIC16F57 devices do not verify correctly

using the PICSTART Plus. When a blank device is read, program memory

values of 0xBFF are reported.

Problem: The OSC2 pin on the PIC16C55A, PIC16C57C and 16F57 tries to

overdrive RB6. This causes invalid voltage levels for verification.

Solution: To program the PIC16C55A, PIC16C57C and the 16F57 in DIP

packages on a PICSTART Plus, a modified adapter must be used. The

adapter can be created using a 28- or 40-pin ZIF, LIF or standard

socket by cutting the connector pin that corresponds to pin 26 the

device. After creating this modified adapter, secure the device in

the adapter, then place the modified adapter in the PICSTART Plus.

This adapter should only be used when programming these devices.

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