Video - Embedded
Test solutions through tailor-made innovations

Delivering test and measurement systems using innovative technologies. Tailored test solutions go from laboratory prototype to manufacturing production lines and after sales verifications. We support companies and research center in the choice and delivery of technologies, sensor and embedded hardware, tailored data acquisition software, analytics and machine learning application.
Prototyping with Sensors

Learn how easy it is to develop an embedded sensor node prototype using MPLAB® Xpress IDE and MPLAB Code Configurator. (in lingua inglese)
Sistemi PC Embedded Cincoze: la soluzione perfetta per l'ambiente industriale

La nuova generazione di sistemi embedded Cincoze è basata su criteri di progettazione avanzata ed è in grado di far fronte a molte delle problematiche di fabbrica in applicazioni d'automazione industriale PC-based.