Fueling the future: green ammonia as the runway to the clean energy revolution
(in lingua inglese)
Tenimont - Nextchem
We are a technology and Engineering Group that develops and implements innovative solutions to enable the Energy Transition.
We offer Sustainable Technology Solutions and Integrated E&C Solutions in nitrogen fertilizers, hydrogen, circular carbon, fuels, chemicals, and polymers. Green Ammonia
H2 production is set to increase by 32% and 66% by respectively 2030 and 2035
- Green and blue technologies will be key for the decarbonization of H2 production
- Huge potential for electrolysis market is expected
- We used as reference case the IEA's Announced Pledges
Scenario (APS). The APS considers all announced government climate targets and assumes that they are met on time and in full.
Nevertheless, net zero ambitions are not met
Ammonia will remain the main offtaker for H2
The chem. sector will remain the H2 bigger consumer
By 2030 Ammonia will be the key H2 derivative
Green NH3 could become the major CO2 free maritime fuel
By 2030 16.5 Mt/year (>40'000 mtpd) could be produced with green H2 requiring >20 GW of electrolyzers.
Project stage distribution of green H2 project.
Maire Group's integrated approach provides technological and operational solutions.
Suite of hydrogen and ammonia technologies across the value chain selected award: jwestling's green ammonia ( Gotenborg, Nebraska USA).
NEXTCHEM will provide JWestling with its proprietary NX STAMI Green AmmoniaTM technology licensing and engineering design package for JWestling's green fertilizer plant
- Production of green ammonia from renewable electricity to produce nitrogen fertilizer based on biogenic CO2 from ethanol production
- Capacity of 450 MTPD of green ammonia when in operation after 2026
- NX STAMI Green AmmoniaTM is the first STAMI Green Ammonia plant utilizing 100% renewable grid power towards green nitrogen fertilizer, such as nitrate based liquid UAN fertilizer, comprising both urea and ammonium nitrate, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid (AdBlue®).
- Sets the future for green nitrogen fertilizers
Madoqua Power 2X in Sines (Portugal) for grAmmonia production
- MAIRE established as a trusted partner from early engagment pre-FEED phases
- MAIRE awarded FEED
- Project received funding from the European Hydrogen Bank
FertigHy a new player in low-carbon fertiliser production, launched to accelerate decarbonisation of food value chain
- MAIRE among seed investors with EIT InnoEnergy, RIC Energy, Siemens, InVivo and HEINEKEN
- The plants will produce 500.000 metric tonnes per year of low-carbon nitrogen-based fertilisers, with construction planned to start in 2027
Tenimont - Nextchem
We are a technology and Engineering Group that develops and implements innovative solutions to enable the Energy Transition.
We offer Sustainable Technology Solutions and Integrated E&C Solutions in nitrogen fertilizers, hydrogen, circular carbon, fuels, chemicals, and polymers. Green Ammonia
H2 production is set to increase by 32% and 66% by respectively 2030 and 2035
- Green and blue technologies will be key for the decarbonization of H2 production
- Huge potential for electrolysis market is expected
- We used as reference case the IEA's Announced Pledges
Scenario (APS). The APS considers all announced government climate targets and assumes that they are met on time and in full.
Nevertheless, net zero ambitions are not met
Ammonia will remain the main offtaker for H2
The chem. sector will remain the H2 bigger consumer
By 2030 Ammonia will be the key H2 derivative
Green NH3 could become the major CO2 free maritime fuel
By 2030 16.5 Mt/year (>40'000 mtpd) could be produced with green H2 requiring >20 GW of electrolyzers.
Project stage distribution of green H2 project.
Maire Group's integrated approach provides technological and operational solutions.
Suite of hydrogen and ammonia technologies across the value chain selected award: jwestling's green ammonia ( Gotenborg, Nebraska USA).
NEXTCHEM will provide JWestling with its proprietary NX STAMI Green AmmoniaTM technology licensing and engineering design package for JWestling's green fertilizer plant
- Production of green ammonia from renewable electricity to produce nitrogen fertilizer based on biogenic CO2 from ethanol production
- Capacity of 450 MTPD of green ammonia when in operation after 2026
- NX STAMI Green AmmoniaTM is the first STAMI Green Ammonia plant utilizing 100% renewable grid power towards green nitrogen fertilizer, such as nitrate based liquid UAN fertilizer, comprising both urea and ammonium nitrate, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid (AdBlue®).
- Sets the future for green nitrogen fertilizers
Madoqua Power 2X in Sines (Portugal) for grAmmonia production
- MAIRE established as a trusted partner from early engagment pre-FEED phases
- MAIRE awarded FEED
- Project received funding from the European Hydrogen Bank
FertigHy a new player in low-carbon fertiliser production, launched to accelerate decarbonisation of food value chain
- MAIRE among seed investors with EIT InnoEnergy, RIC Energy, Siemens, InVivo and HEINEKEN
- The plants will produce 500.000 metric tonnes per year of low-carbon nitrogen-based fertilisers, with construction planned to start in 2027
Mario Dragoni - Hydep
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