IMI VIVO a safety driven design for skid mounted or containerized pem electrolysers
Presentazione in lingua inglese
IMI Plc - Who we are
IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer IMI Plc - Who we are
Global presence with products sold in over 100 countries
Hydrogen (sector & products)
Products: Electrolyser, control valve, isolation valve, safety valve, actuator
Applications: Green hydrogen production, hydrogen fluid control and on/off, safety relie
Hydrogen pipeline
Products: Control valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: H2 blending with NG, compressor anti-surge, fluid control and on/off, emergency shut-down, safety relie
Hydrogen liquefaction
Products: LH2 butterfly valve, ball valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: Cryogenic pressure and flow control, emergency shut-down, safety relief
Hydrogen storage & transportation
Products: LH2 butterfly valve, ball valve, diverter valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: LH2 tank, LH2 tank trailer, LH2 carrier
IMI VIVO is the brand of IMI plc founded in 2020. It is the center of excellence for Hydrogen products, based in Remosa.
- Remosa S.r.l. is an Italian company founded in 1955, leader manufacturer of Control Systems for Oil & Gas application..
- In 2022 IMI VIVO and Remosa relocated the production center to a new 16.000m2 factory in Sardinia, Cagliari.
- Estimated Electrolyzers capacity per year >50MW.
IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer
- Skid/Containerized turnkey plant solution for P2P, P2G and P2mobility applications
- From 100kW - 5MW power class skids
- Top technology PEM Stack provider
- Power consumption <58kwh/kg H2 ? Bespoke Design for Customer specs and Local Regulations
- System design according to ISO22734
- Life assistance service
- Remote digital control
5MW Unit
Plug & Play compact 5MW containerized skid Hydrogen electrolyser
Safety Oriented Design - HAZOP and SIL Classification
HAZOP Study: Conducted a thorough HAZOP study to identify and mitigate potential hazards.
Purpose: Identify potential hazards and operability issues.
Process: Systematic examination of the process design
Outcome: Recommendations for mitigating risks and improving safety.
SIL Allocation Determined and allocated the necessary Safety Integrity level (SIL) for each Safety Instrumented Function (SIF), ensuring the implementation of appropriate safety measures.
Purpose: Define the required safety performance for safety instrumented functions (SIFs).
Levels: SIL 1 to SIL 4, with SIL 4 being the highest level of safety.
Assessment: Based on the likelihood of failure and the severity of potential consequences.
ATEX Compliance: Ensured full compliance with ATEX regulations for all equipment and systems in the designated zones. Achieved a negligible hazard zone inside the container through forced ventilation and leak simulations.
Continued in PDF
IMI Plc - Who we are
IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer IMI Plc - Who we are
Global presence with products sold in over 100 countries
Hydrogen (sector & products)
Products: Electrolyser, control valve, isolation valve, safety valve, actuator
Applications: Green hydrogen production, hydrogen fluid control and on/off, safety relie
Hydrogen pipeline
Products: Control valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: H2 blending with NG, compressor anti-surge, fluid control and on/off, emergency shut-down, safety relie
Hydrogen liquefaction
Products: LH2 butterfly valve, ball valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: Cryogenic pressure and flow control, emergency shut-down, safety relief
Hydrogen storage & transportation
Products: LH2 butterfly valve, ball valve, diverter valve, ESD, safety valve, actuator
Applications: LH2 tank, LH2 tank trailer, LH2 carrier
IMI VIVO is the brand of IMI plc founded in 2020. It is the center of excellence for Hydrogen products, based in Remosa.
- Remosa S.r.l. is an Italian company founded in 1955, leader manufacturer of Control Systems for Oil & Gas application..
- In 2022 IMI VIVO and Remosa relocated the production center to a new 16.000m2 factory in Sardinia, Cagliari.
- Estimated Electrolyzers capacity per year >50MW.
IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer
- Skid/Containerized turnkey plant solution for P2P, P2G and P2mobility applications
- From 100kW - 5MW power class skids
- Top technology PEM Stack provider
- Power consumption <58kwh/kg H2 ? Bespoke Design for Customer specs and Local Regulations
- System design according to ISO22734
- Life assistance service
- Remote digital control
5MW Unit
Plug & Play compact 5MW containerized skid Hydrogen electrolyser
Safety Oriented Design - HAZOP and SIL Classification
HAZOP Study: Conducted a thorough HAZOP study to identify and mitigate potential hazards.
Purpose: Identify potential hazards and operability issues.
Process: Systematic examination of the process design
Outcome: Recommendations for mitigating risks and improving safety.
SIL Allocation Determined and allocated the necessary Safety Integrity level (SIL) for each Safety Instrumented Function (SIF), ensuring the implementation of appropriate safety measures.
Purpose: Define the required safety performance for safety instrumented functions (SIFs).
Levels: SIL 1 to SIL 4, with SIL 4 being the highest level of safety.
Assessment: Based on the likelihood of failure and the severity of potential consequences.
ATEX Compliance: Ensured full compliance with ATEX regulations for all equipment and systems in the designated zones. Achieved a negligible hazard zone inside the container through forced ventilation and leak simulations.
Continued in PDF
Alessandro Lauria - Remosa
Guarda tutti i contenuti Remosa sul sito Fiera Idrogeno News
Guarda tutti i contenuti Remosa sul sito Fiera Idrogeno News
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2024 Idrogeno: scenari, criticità e soluzioni per una transizione smart e resiliente
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