Design integrity impianti di produzione di idrogeno verde
Il sistema H2V costituito dalla fonte di energia rinnovabile accoppiata all'elettrolizzatore completati dal BOP per essere redditizio e profittevole DEVE avere una DISPONIBILITA' MAX e OPEX MIN. Il Business Plan di un progetto di installazione di un impianto di produzione di idrogeno verde SI CHIUDE positivamente se c'è la certezza sulla continuità di servizio e sull'OPEX. Cosa ereditiamo dall'Oil&Gas?
- Asset Integrity Management
- Maintenance Strategy
- Reliability Maintanabiility Availability
- Reliability Centered Maintenance
- Risk based insepction
- Warehouse Management
- Safety &mOperating Critical Element
- Turnaround
- Planning, procurement and CMMS
- Root cause analysis
Asset Integrity Management
- Management strategies
- Prevention strategies and maintenance policies
- Internal standards and procedures
- Operative management types
- Safety and environmental protection policies
Maintenance Strategy
- Reactive maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- Predictive Maintenance
- Best Equipment Care
- RAM Asset Register
- Reliability Data Collection
- Maintainability Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Reliability Block Diagram Modelling (MAROS DNV gl)
Every failure type assigned to the plant assets produces two scenarios:
- SCENARIO1: risk deriving from a failure maintenance approach
- SCENARIO2: risk deriving from a preventive maintenance approach
- Data Collection
- Corrosion loop
- Corrosion rate
- Risk analysis
- Inspection plan
- Inspection procedures
- Optimization of the total value of stock
- Standardization of purchases of new equipment
- Maintenance of inventory type / quantity of materials needed to cope reliable routine maintenance and operation of plants
- Reduce the time of procurement of materials
- Alignment sheet assets
- Identification of SECE related to Major Accident Hazards
- Conducting risk assessment using the Bow-Tie method to identify SECE
- Identify System Level (not individual pieces of equipment) and listing SECE
- Provide minimum requirements for the definition of Performance Standards related to SECE and OCE
- Maintenance and Assurance of SECE and OCE
- Management of Change in relation to SECE and OCE
The planned shutdowns of the systems must be prepared, planned and executed in detail because both human and economic resources are at stake. In this case, thanks to its Shutdown Manager PANSOINCO is able to identify the criticalities of shutdowns and turnarounds, guaranteeing compliance with the shutdown budget, the quality of the interventions and the stop and restart times.
- Costs and gaps analysis for corrective actions
- Maintenance efficiency and effectiveness level
- Workflow
- Weekly planning and backlog
- Maintenance executive standards
- Contractor monitoring
- Best practice
- Hourly performance of the person carrying out maintenance
- CMMS optimization and integration (SAP PM, SAP MM, MAXIMO, INFOR)
RCA, steps
1. Define the problem and the consequence
2. Describe the situation
3. Complete the active cause and effect chain
4. Identify non active cause
5. Identify system cause
6. Define the "root cause windows"
7. Investigate where necessary any unknow causes
8. Generate possible solution
9. Select the best solution
10. Implement the chosen solution
Attached, you can find the complete pdf of the presentation
- Asset Integrity Management
- Maintenance Strategy
- Reliability Maintanabiility Availability
- Reliability Centered Maintenance
- Risk based insepction
- Warehouse Management
- Safety &mOperating Critical Element
- Turnaround
- Planning, procurement and CMMS
- Root cause analysis
Asset Integrity Management
- Management strategies
- Prevention strategies and maintenance policies
- Internal standards and procedures
- Operative management types
- Safety and environmental protection policies
Maintenance Strategy
- Reactive maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- Predictive Maintenance
- Best Equipment Care
- RAM Asset Register
- Reliability Data Collection
- Maintainability Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Reliability Block Diagram Modelling (MAROS DNV gl)
Every failure type assigned to the plant assets produces two scenarios:
- SCENARIO1: risk deriving from a failure maintenance approach
- SCENARIO2: risk deriving from a preventive maintenance approach
- Data Collection
- Corrosion loop
- Corrosion rate
- Risk analysis
- Inspection plan
- Inspection procedures
- Optimization of the total value of stock
- Standardization of purchases of new equipment
- Maintenance of inventory type / quantity of materials needed to cope reliable routine maintenance and operation of plants
- Reduce the time of procurement of materials
- Alignment sheet assets
- Identification of SECE related to Major Accident Hazards
- Conducting risk assessment using the Bow-Tie method to identify SECE
- Identify System Level (not individual pieces of equipment) and listing SECE
- Provide minimum requirements for the definition of Performance Standards related to SECE and OCE
- Maintenance and Assurance of SECE and OCE
- Management of Change in relation to SECE and OCE
The planned shutdowns of the systems must be prepared, planned and executed in detail because both human and economic resources are at stake. In this case, thanks to its Shutdown Manager PANSOINCO is able to identify the criticalities of shutdowns and turnarounds, guaranteeing compliance with the shutdown budget, the quality of the interventions and the stop and restart times.
- Costs and gaps analysis for corrective actions
- Maintenance efficiency and effectiveness level
- Workflow
- Weekly planning and backlog
- Maintenance executive standards
- Contractor monitoring
- Best practice
- Hourly performance of the person carrying out maintenance
- CMMS optimization and integration (SAP PM, SAP MM, MAXIMO, INFOR)
RCA, steps
1. Define the problem and the consequence
2. Describe the situation
3. Complete the active cause and effect chain
4. Identify non active cause
5. Identify system cause
6. Define the "root cause windows"
7. Investigate where necessary any unknow causes
8. Generate possible solution
9. Select the best solution
10. Implement the chosen solution
Attached, you can find the complete pdf of the presentation
Antonio Spadaccini - Pansoinco
Guarda tutti i contenuti Pansoinco sul sito Fiera Idrogeno News
Guarda tutti i contenuti Pansoinco sul sito Fiera Idrogeno News
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